Nice to meet you

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Video Recording December 08'


"describe to me what happened"

The video was focused on a blonde young girl sitting on a dark couch. Her arms embracing her legs to cover her face. The video gets dark but continues after an obvious cut from the recording. This time the young girl's hands are covering her face.

"Tessa?" the man's voice from the background continued. 

"Everything was pale." the blonde girl began

Snow started falling as each faceless person sat on their chair. I was holding my mother's arm as I guided her to her own seat while she continued to stare out of the horizon. She did not cry nor show grief that day. She was trying to prove to everyone that she was strong, perhaps to show everyone that despite our tragedy we are still strong." 

"And what did the other people say?"The man opposite her wrote a few notes on his pad and began to ask once more

"They kept on whispering, pretending to feel sad I guess..they kept mentioning Superman, how Superman broke his neck, how we all deserved to be punished for being evil. After days of hearing all kinds of misfortunes placed in our family, it's no surprise that these vultures would come circling down. These people, they did not come for us, they came only to finally claw out what's left of us"

"How do you feel whenever people mention about him, or Superman?"

"Of course, the mighty Superman. The hero that saved the day. People rejoiced when they heard that my mad brother was finally defeated. He came swooping and grabbed my brother before he could detonate a nuclear bomb that would have killed thousands, and when my brother did not wish to surrender Superman had no choice but to kill him, or so he says"

 The child looked away to hide a tear about to fall down.

"Tessa?" The doctor inquired offering a napkin to which the young girl declined. She wiped her tear almost instantly as it fell

"The ironic thing was he was murdered by Superman in cold blood, but nobody cared. Nobody asked why he even did it. What would trigger a billionaire genius into the brink of paranoia that he felt the only way to survive was to murder people? Nobody asked why a good person, a loving brother would just turn mad."

To them, he was nothing.

He was nothing more than a villain"

"How do you feel now that somehow, the world labelled your brother as such?" 

"I feel nothing. How do you think should I feel, doctor?"

"Given the cruelty of the situation, it is understandable for someone as young as you to become enraged, perhaps to think ill will towards these people whom you think have been unjust to your brother"

"To think of ill will towards others, especially those vultures is useless, they mean nothing to me"

"Then, you do not wish to act upon this unfortunate situation, you do not wish for revenge?"

"Revenge is looking to retaliate for a wrong that has been done, Doctor

 What I seek is Justice"


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A pale hand slowly closes the laptop to which the video played. It took her a few minutes to rise from her seat and walk to look at the view from her balcony. She tucks a strand of her raven hair behind her ear as she continues to stare blankly at the horizon. She was dozing off her own thoughts when she heard a knock on her door

"Kara Danvers from CatCo is here Ms."

"Send her in, Thanks"

She casually returns to her seat and opens her laptop once more. She types a few keys and her laptop closes down with a password access. She looks at her reflection from the screen. Her green eyes staring blankly once more.

"Hello Miss, I'm sorry I was late. The traffic was terrible, er, and I know it's not a good enough reason.." Kara nervously enters as she adjusts her spectacles and raises her hand for a formal introduction. She froze for a minute upon seeing the raven-haired CEO.

"I'm, I'm Kara Danvers ..from CatCo Media"

She stands up to meet Kara's hand. Her green eyes no longer that of blankness but with something else.

"Hello Ms Danvers, my name is Lena, Lena Thorul I'm glad to have finally met you"

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"Hello Ms Danvers, my name is Lena, Lena Thorul I'm glad to have finally met you"

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