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"Wake up"

It takes a few seconds before Lena hears her own croaking voice and her body's unconscious jolting.

"It me, it's Kara" as she tries to pacify the arms weakly pounding at her chest

When Lena finds consciousness her eyes flung open to meet a pair of worried eyes.

"It was dream. Lena, you were having a nightmare" Kara tries to soothe her, an arm safely anchored behind the brunet's shoulders. Lena's body was still shaking, her breathing staggered."It's alright"

"I'm,.. I'm sorry. You were shouting" 

"Was I, screaming anything in particular?" she turns away to clear her throat.

"No, I... it was just shouting"

"Are you ok"

"Kara?" her lips quiver over the uncertainty

"Yes, it's me. You're alright" Kara reassures as she wipes the paper thin sweat away from Lena's face with the back of her hand.

"Kara..." she says once again. Her arms slowly finding Kara's body for an embrace.

Kara steadies herself from Lena's tightening embrace. Lena takes Kara's scent in—a combination of a sweet smelling perfume with the room redolent of the scent of burnt candles. It reminds her of her first time waking up in this room. How the pastel colours seemed unfamiliar and how it now undeniably smells and feels like Kara. The same Kara that was somehow with her right now. Her body begins to relax with every breath that passes.

"I'm here. You're safe" she chants to her like spell countering a curse, Lena's hot tears flowing over her chest.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Kara offers


"About your nightmare?""

"It was nothing. Sorry for frightening you that way"

"Alright" Kara replies gently

"Its not that I'm keeping it to myself, really" Lena begins defensively "When I was younger, I used to have night terrors often" 

"How did you do it?"

"Did what?"

"Overcome your night terrors"

It was the strangest thing Lena thought to herself. She only had nigh terrors when she knew that Lex was there. That when she wakes up he would assure her that she was safe and that it all was just a dream.  

"I overcame it by realising that life was much more terrifying than my dreams"

It takes a few minutes before self awareness come to both of them. Despite sharing an inmate act, the cold wind gushing over their complete naked bodies makes Lena self-conscious and soon retracts from the embrace. She takes the nearest piece of article she touches to cover herself turning her back from Kara's warm touch.

The act makes Kara hesitant. Lena reflects back at the dream before replying. She tightens the covers she had around her. She tries to scan the dim lighted room to look for her own clothes. "I'm sorry, for ... that" Lena ends as she begins to find purchase of her clothes

"I'm sorry if this feels unpleasant. I don't want to be overstaying my welcome. I've scared you quite enough"

Lena checks her phone to confirm. She can call Sam to pick her up but reconsiders knowing how obvious it would look if she were to call at this ungodly hour. Perhaps a cab, but once again rejects it at the possibility of paparazzi vultures waiting for a scoop like this.

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