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Lena is half conscious as she quickly drops from her high rise building. She tries to scream but the wind forcefully hits her She finally closes her eyes. What an awful way to die.

And then she feels it.

She feels arms catching her. She feels herself floating for a moment and then slowly flies up. It took her a few seconds to realize what was happening.


They reach the same balcony to which Lena was pushed. Supergirl scans the area. The office was a mess, the lights were busted as well but there was no sign of the perpetrators. She gently puts Lena down.

"Are you ok?"

"Apart from getting assaulted and getting thrown out of the balcony, I think I'm fine" Lena replies. She couldn't see Supergirl clearly. Her descend made her a little dizzy and the dark office didn't help either. With only the bright moonlight as her light, she could only see Supergirls silhouette and the glaring "S" on her chest.

"Are you alright?"

"I need a drink"

'Are you, hurt?"

She walks for a few steps but immediately falls. Supergirl holds her.

"—it's alright" Lena interrupting and moving away from her. Her vision was still blurry and her heart beating fast. She tried to stand up but her knees were shaking. Supergirl saw how desperate Lena wanted to move away from her so she backed away instead.

"I'm sorry, you must be terrified right now." Super girl's voice sounded with worry

"I,.. it's really dark in here." Lena closed her eyes trying to concentrate but her head was starting to hurt She could only see a figure standing not far from her.

"You need a doctor. I can contact the police and a medic for you"

"No. Please don't. I've had enough guests for tonight.I'll take care of it. I just need a minute"Lena explains as she leans on the door frame.

"But your assailant could still be near. We should inform the authorities now" Supergirl explains. She wanted to go out and chase whoever did this but upon seeing Lena's condition, she felt compelled to stay.

"The police can come here in an hour or so, it won't undo anything that's happened here anyway. I can assure you this is not my first attempted murder. Plus hospitals aren't the safest place when you're a target."



There was silence in the air.

Supergirl was trying to scan the room.It was a mess. Shattered glass everywhere, the items of furniture disarranged.

"Someone was trying to kill you"


"Why? do you know anybody who has a motive?'

"Well, I've had a lot of disagreements with people about business. A disgruntled employee, a competitor, it could be anybody" Lena spoke as calmly as she could but she was shaking. Her headache was starting to become unbearable. She holds the bridge of her nose and tried to focus.

"I promise, I'll figure out who tried to harm you Miss.." Supergirl picks up a paper and read '—Lena Thorul"

"It wasn't enough for them to mock me in Metropolis. They even had to make sure I was dead" Lena chuckles "So much for starting over."

There was something in the way that Lena said it that broke Supergirl's heart.The first time she saw Lena was through Kara Danvers' eyes. The sun was shining, everything was at peace. She was strong, perfectly elegant in every way. And if she permits so, Her eyes would capture you. She looked at her through the moonlight now.Even with just that limited light, Supergirl was aware of her beauty. The moon only illuminating a part of Lena's face tells more than what Kara Danvers saw. Supergirl was just in awe when she finally notices Lena's injury.

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