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Clothes were laid down Kara's bed as she continues to shuffle more from her closet. She takes another dress and judges herself through the mirror. She moves her lips to sad pout and casually throws the dress on the bed. She continues to scan her closet when she hears a knock on the door. Her face makes a wide grin as she rushes off to her door knowing who was about to enter.

"Alex!" Kara shouts as she squeezes her on a tight embrace

"Woah, easy tiger"

"Sorry, I'm just so happy you're back"

"So am I"

"So how was the prison transfer?"

"Well, it was a long week but we managed. He'll never be able to hurt anyone else anymore"

Kara nods but looks away from her sister's stare.Kara tries not to relive the events from her past. It was a battle fought hard for Supergirl.

"How was everything here?"

"It was fine, nothing that Supergirl couldn't handle" Kara states confidently

"So I guess Kara's had a lot of free time then" Alex gently taking a dress from Kara's hand "Are you going on a date?"

"What? no this isn't for a date. I was actually invited to a gala"

"Gala? by who?"

"Lena Thorul"

"Lena of Luthor Corp?!"

"L-Corp" Kara corrects"

Alex's brows meet together in confusion

"Okay. Is this a work related thing?"

"Well, sort of—"

Just then another knock on the door was heard. Kara uses her x-ray vision to determine the visitor. Her eyes widen upon the discovery. Sheimmediately fixes her spectacles and needlessly pulls her shirt down before moving on to open the door.

"Lena, Hi come on in"

"Hi. I'm so sorry to keep dropping in on you"

Lena gleefully struts inside but suddenly becomes aware of another person's presence in Kara's apartment "I'm sorry I didn't realize you had a visitor"

"Oh, Lena this is my sister Alex, Alex this is Lena Thorul"

"Special Agent Alex Danvers, FBI" as the women shake hands

"So what brings you here?" Kara asks

"I know this is unusual but I need a favor from you" Lena replies

"About what?"

"I need to get in touch with Supergirl"

Alex crosses her arms but remained a poker face

"Uhm, can I ask what's it about?" Kara clearing her throat

"Well, it's about security measures. I just need to confirm some details with her regarding my, almost demise a few weeks ago. She's the only witness before you found me and so I really need her help"

"T—that, of course. I'll see what I can do. I'll uhh try and contact her and possibly let you know if she, uhh agrees. But no promises though, you know,—she doesn't really talk to people" Kara rambles unsure what to say in front of Lena and her poker faced sister.

"Well, Thank you. I'll understand if she declines, although one can only hope" She turns to Alex and gives her goodbyes. Alex nods in return.

"Sooo" Kara begins "Where were we? right, your trip.."

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