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sometimes life is crappy. 

thats just something that comes with being alive. *cough cough company cough cough*

but the beautiful thing about life is that you can get up the next day and hopefully have a better day than the day before. 

everyone always talks about making their mark on the world or having some kind of purpose. 

i was kind of complaining about this the other day and my absolutely lovely friend eva who gives great advice told me this:

of course your life has purpose because if it didnt then tell me why you've taken time out of your day to talk to me or your friends, to sleep, to dream, to act, etc. you put purpose into everything you do which makes you have a purpose

everything you do makes little ripples in someone elses life. positive or negative. 

you meet so many people throughout your life. every person you meet has some affect on you and you have some affect on them. 

maybe you helped your friend figure out their sexuality

or maybe you taught your little brother to ride a bike. 

whatever you do it has an affect on someone somehow therefor creating purpose. 

your life will not go forgotten or meaningless. 

you have an affect on someone.

you are loved.

never forget that. 

XXXXX*v important note that you should read*XXXXX

so im going off to camp for about a month *yay* so im going to be inactive for about that long meaning i wont be checking my inbox or reading comments or updating or anything but i hope you all have a lovely summer or winter or wherever you are, a lovely rest of pride month and i will be back with another chapter mid july. - oli 

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