Chapter 10 - All good things must come to an end...

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The mood was so different after that Sunday. The next morning Melissa woke to smell coffee. Strolling into the lounge she saw Liam sat at the table, but instead of his usual 'just coffee' breakfast, there were two silver domed platters on the table too, and whilst he was still reading the FT, he looked up and smiled as she stood in the doorway.

"You've given me a taste for breakfast!"

Melissa rubbed her hands enthusiastically as she crossed the room to lift the lids and reveal fresh cut bread and crispy bacon. Her eyes widened and she smiled, "this is DE-lightful!"

"Good, what you got planned for today?"

Melissa was caught out with a mouthful of bacon, so she chuckled as she finished her unlady like devouring of her sandwich.

"Nothing special. I hear there's a new artist launching at a small gallery downtown, other than that, nothing." She stood behind him, running her hands  down from his shoulders to settle over his chest, "you working ALL day?"

Liam groaned, "if I thought there'd be a half hour window to get back here..." he looked towards the bedroom with longing, "then I would! But I'm not optimistic!"

She didn't see him for the rest of the day. But he did contact her at lunchtime to let her know they were eating out that night. She met him at the Italian restaurant where he was entertaining three different business men. It was a more strained evening as she didn't have any female company to relax with, and if she spent more than a few moments talking to one of the three men, cold blue eyes penetrated her skin and she quickly averted her attention.

No mention had been made of the outstanding business deal, and what happened when they got home. But for the short amount of time they had left in New York she was in no rush to move to tht topic. They were in a bubble she had no intention of bursting with reality!

The following day involved several meetings for Liam, and Melissa accompanied him to a lunch and dinner date. By that evening they were both shattered. The long days and early mornings had started to take their toll.

Wednesday was their final morning, and Liam handed her an envelope as they shared coffee and bagels in the suite.

"This is the contract you suggested. I’ve signed it, all you need to do is sign it, and I’ll organize for the transfer of deeds. The money for the shares will be available by midday."

So this was the end. She suddenly felt very sad. She signed the papers and handed them back. "So we head home tomorrow?" Her question was loaded with an obvious 'what happens next?'

But Liam chose to ignore it. Raising his chin, he nodded, "you get what you want."

Determined not to appear hurt, she retaliated, "I think you had what you wanted too!"

He laughed ironically, "the most expensive sex in the World."

If he'd hit her it would have been less of a surprise, and less painful. Her flinch was visible, so that was it, she was just sex. He’d hinted at as much throughout the five days they'd been in New York, but she'd not taken heed of that, she had honestly believed that there was more to this, to them, than just a physical relationship. As she tried to find that chink in his armour again, that little hint that told her he wasn't a complete bastard she gasped. He looked smug, content. This is what he wanted. The last five days has all been part of the plan. How much could he reel her in? How high could he lift her to maximise her fall?

The answer was to the moon and back. Suddenly the bottom had fallen out of her world, all optimism and hope shattered by one sadistic and damaged man!

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