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She is falling, falling, falling, far

They are falling, falling, far

They are all sinking

There wings have been snipped

She is trying to swim in this sea of black and dark blue

She can not fight this with these clipped wings

They are all drowning in the crashing waves

Dying as they try to fight against the waves

All they can do is try to swim

Yet they fall.

Fall again

In this sea of black and dark blue

There is not much they can do

They scream out for help

To cast them a line

No one no one will cast them a glance

They all walk by

The birds with clipped wings, because they are different you see

So the people walk away from the jagged and scared wings

While they know they are sinking

Just scraping by in this sea

But they are all sinking

Goodbye they have all sunk

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