A real home

17 1 6

You made her feel loved for once

It was like

No it is a breath of fresh air

She finally felt safe for once

She could finally tell her past and not be called overdramtic

She finally felt she could be herself with no worries

She wasn't worried about yelled at

She realized not all guys yelled and screamed

When you forget a chore....or a dish....or to clean your room once or twice

It was like real home like her friends had

Not a home where she was scared to go home

She felt welcome

She could make jokes without being scared she would get yelled at

She could sleep without being scared of them yelling

She doesn't flinch now when someone talks to her

She's waiting for it to all slip through her fingers and disappear again

It hasn't.....yet

She's still waiting

She was a broken bird and you helped her be a phoenix

You made her want to try her best and not just slip by

But like all good things they must come to an end

This one did

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