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*Trigger warning contains assault and abuse*
Tonight the wind brushes the trees swaying in the wind

Tonight a girl will sit on a bench waiting until till daddy stops yelling at mama with swears and curses fly around

Tonight a boy gets drunk to forget about the hurt his dad gives him because he's not worth it

The boy drinks and the girl lets the tears fall down her face in the wind of tonight

Oh tonight things go down things we wish that didn't go around

And tonight stuff will rock their worlds shake it up gonna change their lives

Cause it's tonight

Tonight there worlds will change in moment of light

Because it's tonight

The girl thinks it safe to go in so she heads home in the wind

The boy doesn't care anymore so he heads knowing his scary fate but doesn't care

Tonight the girl gets hit for the first time and oh it won't be the last

Tonight is the last time the boy will be hit and he knows it

Today is the first time the boy feels free in his skin

Today is the first time the girl feels trapped in her own house that she's living in

They have traded places just like many others of the world

Because Tonight there worlds will change in moment of light

It's tonight

They both never will forget what got left behind

One is free the other dying inside '

Tomorrow the girl will tell and the teachers won't believe her

She'll beg them and plead with them, but they won't listen

Tomorrow the boy will go to jail for standing up for himself and he's okay with that

In the future the girl will slowly die and learn to let the tears fly away

In the future the boy will cry for the girl he lost on the bench that night

Because it's tonight in moment of light

Their lives were so alike yet they both will still cry

Because it's tonight

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