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The girl sits in her room writing a story

The man sits outside making something awful

She writes about what has happened in this house

He smokes a substance that makes you different

She tries to help the man and save him from this

He doesn't care anymore

He has changed from a kind soul to a hurt one

She knows he doesn't mean it but it still hurts

She knows it's just the poison talking ,but it doesn't take away the sting

The man is slipping from reality taking a deadly turn towards a deadly path

He can't see he's hurting the ones around him

That he's slowly killing them

She just wants the man she once loved back

He just wants more poison

She just wants him to stop

It's killing them all

He doesn't care and he keeps turning down that terrible road

It's ripping their love apart

She gets glimpses of who he once was

When she see's who he once was she can't leave him

Then he goes away slipping back into the posion

She can't cope with all the pain in this house

They slowly break apart

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