Falling star

53 9 5

Trigger warning contains bullying

She was dancing

She was spinning

Getting lost is her second nature

Away from this world

This terrible place

It's killing her

Can't you see

The pain in her eyes and on her skin

Breaking her

Drowning her

In her guilt,regret,and worry

All covered with a smile

Couldn't you see it was burying her

All she wanted was to perfect

For you and she was always failing

She was never good enough

Never skinny enough

Never strong enough for you

To strong for you

Never smart enough

Too smart for you

Not enough friends or to many

What do you want she always wanted to know

Now it's too late for her ,but what about the others like her

Who fake a smile

Force a laugh

Is it too late for them or can we lend a giving hand

What are they supposed to do

When all they do is wrong to them

They fight and fight in the sea

Still they drowned

Are they supposed to stop trying or do they go on

When they try so hard and no one seems to see how hard they are trying

Why is it when someone has a broken bone we fix it

But when her head was a monster a disease out to kill her no one reached out to pull her up

No one said stay for me

No one said I love you you're worth it

They said Attention seeker and to go kill herself

This is why she is no more

Words can affect you just as much as bullet wound can

Choose them carefully and catch the Falling Star

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