Part 2. The search

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*Hoseoks POV*

I soon arrived at the school, breathless at that. I looked around and went up to a booth that had instructors.  They handed me a slip with a name on it. "Min Yoongi", Min Yoongi? Who's that? The instructor then explained that this person will be my partner for all the activities we do, as well as my roommate. Well okay then, let's just hope he isn't a bummer. I was to find this "Min Yoongi" person before we left, fun. I searched for what seemed like forever. I yelled his name, even went up to strangers to ask if they were this Min Yoongi person, but he was no where to be found. I started to think maybe he doesn't even exist. Then as everyone was loading the bus, this one guy came sprinting. He ran up to the booth got the slip and looked around. I'm sure he realized I was  his partner, afterall I was the only person around now. He walked up to me and said "Jung Hoseok?" Yes, I replied. "Min Yoongi right?" He nodded in embarrassment, bowed, and apoligized. "No, no, it's fine, get up we have to get going." I said. And for some strange reason I felt my cheeks getting flushed. So I rushed off and signaled him to follow. We boarded the bus and sat down. This guy seemed familiar but I don't know from where, so I asked him, uhmm.. "do I know you from somewhere?" He nodded. "Really, from where?" I said. "Well we ran into each other this morning" he replied. "OHHH SO THAT WAS YOU" Everyone looked at me and I sunk into my seat slowly. "Yeah.." he replied. And there it was again that strange feeling.

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