Part.4~2/3 Feelings 4 You

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*Hoseoks POV*

The day went by, and I learned a lot of things about yoongi, like how at first he can come off as serious but he's actually really energetic. He just has to be comfortable around you. As the day goes by I find myself Seriously thinking about us, together, like in an actual relationship, but why.. all my years on this earth and I've only been attracted to girls. But now all of a sudden he shows up and I feel strange. Throughout the whole day this topic is on my mind and I think Yoongi realises something is bothering me because he asks what's wrong, but I said nothing. It's not that I wanted to ignore him but I just need to wrap my head around this first.
The day is now over, and I'm just ready to pass out. On our way back it starts pouring and I'm estatic about it because I sleep so well when it rains. But when I turned my head to yoongi looked somewhat pale and scared. Is he scared? Will he be okay?..

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