Part.4 1/3 Feelings 4 You

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**Hoseoks POV**

Morning came and yoongi was already out of bed. They did tell us to be down in the lobby early if we wanted breakfast, but since I could hardly sleep last night I decided to sleep in. Well I guess I'll be starving until lunch time. A couple minutes pass by and yoongi comes running in, out of breath. What's wrong? I ask. Yoongi still being out of breath said "well.. since you didn't come down for breakfast I decided to bring you some food, but on my way up an employee stopped me and told me I wasn't allowed to bring food up to the room. So I pretended to throw it away and started sprinting to the room, the employee noticed and started yelling, but I kept running." I looked at him and said " pfft wow all that to bring me some food? Amazing " his cheeks went red, and he just nodded. Jokingly I then said "maybe I'll have to marry you instead of a girl, you seem more reliable" he just laughed but I think a part of me really meant that.. why is that..?

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