#115: Cowboy & Baseball Hat Men

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Answer to #114: Neither. He wanted the name of the man who pushed him in.
(Dedicated to C217903)

Two men walk into a bar. One man has a baseball hat, the other a cowboy hat. The one with the baseball hat walks up the the bartender, and says, "If I can shoot water out of this tube to a cup on the other side of the room, you have to give me a thousand dollars. If I miss, I give you a thousand dollars." The bartender agrees. The baseball hat man puts down a cup and goes to the other side of the room. He shoots water out of the tube, but sprays it everywhere. The bartender is than laughing. However, the baseball hat man is also laughing. The bartender asks, "Why are you laughing?" Why was the baseball hat man laughing? [Slide for answer]

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