#20: Missing Money

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Answer to #19: Answer: He can propose a plan that he gets 98 pieces of gold, the 3rd pirate gets 1 piece, and the 5th pirate gets 1 as well.

If there were just 2 pirates the younger pirate would definitely deny the plan so he could get all of the gold.

If there were 3 pirates the first pirate can offer the second pirate 1 piece of gold and take the rest himself because the second pirate wouldn't get anything if he has to propose a plan himself.

If there were 4 pirates the first pirate could take 99 for himself and offer 1 to the youngest pirate. They would both agree. If the youngest disagrees then he won't get any gold in the next plan.

So when there are 5 pirates it is in the interest of the 3rd and 5th pirate to accept 1 piece, because if they don't they won't get anything in the next plan.

Riddle: A man leaves an $100,000 dollar bill on his desk and leaves work. When he returns the money is gone. He has three suspects: the cook, the cleaning lady, and the mail guy. The cook says he put the money under a book on his desk to keep it safe. They check and it is no longer there. The maid says she moved it when she was cleaning to the inside of the book between page 1 and 2. They open the book and look between page number 1 and 2 but it isn't there. The mail guy says he saw it sticking out of the book and to keep it safe he moved it to between page number 2 and 3. Once they are done the culprit is promptly arrested. Who did it and how did he know? [Slide for answer]

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