Chapter 6 - Tonight I'm Gonna Rock You Tonight

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As I felt the trickle of the water run down my face, I quickly wiped it away with a cloth and looked at my reflection in the mirror. I had put on one of my nicer grey t-shirts and some dark jeans. I rarely put on jeans as I hated how heavy they felt on my legs... I preferred my sport shorts much more, but tonight I figured I'd try to look decent for the party.

I studied my face again in the mirror, noticing that my acne that seemed to cover my face last year was mostly gone, and my eyes actually didn't seem too dull which surprised me. I shook my head and decided to brush my teeth for the third time today. Even though I'm an utter slob when it comes to my room, I actually care about my hygiene. Surprising, huh?

Once I finished, I placed my toothbrush back in its holder and walked out of the bathroom. Sarah was talking to herself while writing things down in her diary. I swear that girl was dropped on her head.

She looked up at me with a frown as if she heard my thoughts. "Where are you going?"

"Nowhere that concerns you," I snapped back and she let out a huff while grabbing her things, stomping up the stairs to her room. Ugh 7th graders, I tell ya.

My mom gave me a slight wave as I left.

I already told mom that the boys were celebrating our win tonight at Zoey's. When I had told her she just gave me a discerning look.

"Alright, just don't do anything stupid." My mom knew it was a party and drinking was definitely a possibility, but she trusted me.

As I hopped into the car, I drove down to where Zoey lived. Her house wasn't too far from mine, but it was smaller and on the side of the neighborhood with older houses, whilst my side was all newer homes.

I pulled up to her house on the road. I looked up at the yellow small home and smiled. It was for sure a house I could see Zoey living in.

I set my gaze around at all the cars that were already there, taking in the music I could hear through the walls. I walked up to the door and knocked. Charlie opened the door with a goofy grin while holding a can of beer in one hand.

"Well, the rising star of the game finally decided to show up! Come on in!" Charlie grabbed my arm and dragged me into the main living room. Pizza boxes were all over the coffee table and soda and bottles of various types of alcohol littered around the other tables and in the hands of many of the guests. Someone had their phone plugged into some speakers, blasting some of the newer rap, like Chance the Rapper and Rae Shremmurd. After taking in the whole scene, my eyes landed on Zoey who had changed into a grey crop top ( it kinda looked like we planned matching, not gonna lie) with denim shorts. Her hair was slightly curled, making it seem shorter than what it was. She looked good. Really good.

"Josh! Hey! Are you hungry or want anything to drink? We're gonna be starting the games soon!" She pulled on my arm, her grip surprisingly tighter than Charlie's before, and led me into the kitchen where more snacks and drinks were. "Do you want a soda or something with alcohol?"

"Uh I'll just start out with a soda. What do you have?" She tilted her head as she scanned through the fridge. She held out a Pepsi in one hand and Mountain Dew in the other. I grabbed the Mountain Dew from her hand. "Thanks." I chugged the soda down. Was it getting hotter in here?

She smiled. " I honestly thought you were gonna grab a beer right away. You seem like the type that likes beer." Curiosity glimmered in her eyes, and I let out a laugh. I've never drank alcohol before... like ever. Plus, this was my first party.

"I've never had a beer before. Yeah, I know I'm lame." She just smiled and shrugged. "Do you drink?"

She casted her eyes down and back up to mine. "Uh, yeah I actually already had a mixed drink and now on my second. You can probably tell, I'm a little buzzed right now." She held up her red solo cup, it looked like a mix of Pepsi and probably some vodka. And honestly, she didn't seem like she drank at all. She acted very sober, much more than Charlie . "I seriously can't believe you've never drank before. I mean, a lot of people don't drink, but like I just kinda figured you did since I don't know..." Her voice trailed off, leaving me wondering what she was going to say.

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