Chapter 17 - Morning Messages

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*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

My eyes slowly opened at the sound of my phone's text tone repeatedly going off. Rolling myself to my side, I reached for my phone, taking it off its charger. I had about twenty text messages, most from the boys in our group chat. All of those messages were about the party and/or about random stuff.

The messages that drew most of my attention were those from Brianna and Zoey. Knowing that Brianna's was, most likely, going to be upsetting, I opened hers first to get it over with.

Hey Josh. We need to talk. Call me asap.

Josh WTF ...R U ignoring me?!

K then. I'll just go to homecoming with my friends. F U 🖕🏼

I winced at the last one, knowing how pissed she was for using 'K' and 'FU'. I knew I had to call her right away. I'd look at Zoey's messages afterwards to uplift my mood.

I clicked her contact and pressed the call button. After the second ring, she picked up.

"Hello." Her voice was harsh, and I knew she was upset with me.

"Uh hey Bri. I just woke up and saw your wanted to talk?"

She huffed slightly before answering me. "Well, you could explain to me why I got numerous texts with pictures and videos of you and Zoey practically making out last night."

"It was a dare." I knew not to elaborate on it unless she asked, which knowing how most girls are, she would ask more.

"Just a dare? I didn't get that vibe from the videos...Josh, why didn't you just ask her to homecoming? You clearly like her way more than me." Woah woah woah...I did not expect her to say that.

"Uhhhh...well um we're friends, and plus, at that time when I asked you, Zoey and I weren't on good terms. I consider you one of my good friends and thought we'd have a fun time together. I'm sorry about that." I wasn't going to lie to her, I'm not that type of guy.

There was a couple moments of silence before she spoke again. "Yeah, I consider you a good friend too. Okay, well, wanna pick me up around four then? We're gonna go to Charlie's house for pictures, right?"

I breathed out a sigh in relief. She did seem upset still, but at least she wasn't pissed off. "Yeah, that's what Charlie told me."

"Okay, well sounds good. I'll see you at four. Sorry for sounding so mean before and for my texts earlier. I thought you were ignoring me and yeah..."

"It's alright. I'll see you then. Bye Bri."

"Bye bye."

After the call ended, I sighed in relief. I had a feeling Bri wasn't going to get too upset. I mean, we were only friends, and I don't think I ever gave her the impression I thought otherwise.

Scrolling through my messages, I clicked on Zoey's contact and noticed hers were completely different from Bri's texts. Hers were full of emojis and bubbled with insane happiness; completley opposite from Bri's bald but angry texts.

Heyyy Joshy! Soooo I'm goin in a group with Margo, Bryan, Amira,and a couple other I'll see you at the dance. YOU BETTER DANCE WITH ME! LOL 😜

OH! Also thx again for being so sweet. Ur the best ❤️

I decided to text her back, since I was heading downstairs for some breakfast. Or brunch, since it was around noon.

Hey Zo! lol of course I'll dance with you 😉Can't wait to C U 🤗

I opted out of putting a heart emoji since that's like really girly, and I figured Zoey is someone that tends to put hearts in her texts a lot. After, literally, a couple seconds, she responded back.

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