Chapter 7 - An Average Idiot

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I woke up and didn't recognize where I was. The ceiling had those plastic, glow-in-the-dark stars stuck all over, and the bed I was on was a queen size bed, which was much nicer than my twin bed at home.

My eyes scanned the teal and black sheets on the bed and the curtains lining the windows. Little lights lined the edges of the ceiling and walls, illuminating the room with a soft glow. I was definitely in a girl's room.

I turned my head over to see the back of Zoey's head beside me.

What the hell?  I'm in her room!!

She then, abruptly, turned her head so her face was right in front of mine. Her warm breath was hitting my cheek, and I immediately sat up, startled at how close our faces were.

We didn't do it...did we?? No... I'd remember that for sure.

I tried remembering the last thing that happened last night; Zoey telling me I wasn't average as we finished cleaning up the house. I smiled at the memory.

I, then, looked back at her tall and thin body that was emerged slightly out of the blankets. She had on checkered pajama bottoms and a loose, black T-shirt. She looked so peaceful and ... breathtaking. Just then, she opened her eyes and smiled at me.

"Oh hey..." her voice was raspy from just waking up. It was actually quite sexy. She sat up more on the bed with her back leaning up against the headboard.

"Uh hey... um how did... uh... this happen?" I motioned to us, now, sitting on the bed. She shrugged and then gasped.

"Oh my god... where are your pants?!" She squealed and got out of the bed. Her eyes locked in on my grey boxer shorts. Shit.

"I have no clue. How did we even end up in here? We didn't..." I trailed off and looked at her now crimson face. She tried covering her cheeks with her hands so I wouldn't see her blushing.

"No.. no I think Charlie fell asleep with Jordan in my brother's bed, and you came in here and just plopped on the bed and fell asleep. But I strictly remember you having pants on..." she quietly responded, her eyes still locked in on my boxers for a brief second, then back up to my eyes.

"Oh, I usually strip my pants off during the night. I have no recollection of it..." I really must have drank a lot to not remember coming in here and sleeping on her bed.

"Well, okay... that makes sense. We should probably wake up the others ... " She smiled lightly. I got up and began following her out of her room until she spun around and nearly collided with me. Her eyes trailed down my body from my face to my bare legs. She blushed again, before bringing her gaze back to mine. "Um, do you think you could put pants on ... I don't want them thinking anything."

I nodded. Yeah, wouldn't want them thinking we slept together or anything... even though we did. Unfortunately, that's all it was... sleeping.

I scanned her room and found my jeans near her dresser on the other side of the room. I must have chucked them off in my sleep.

I quick slipped them on as her back was turned to me, and we proceeded out towards her brother's room down the hall. We peeked in through the door and noticed Jordan cuddling Charlie. Jordan, being the bigger of the two, was spooning Charlie, as they snored.

"Oh god, I wish I had my phone right now..." Zoey chuckled. I had to clasp a hand over my mouth to quiet my laughter. The two of them would get made fun of so much if everyone at school found out about this.

Zoey crept over to Jordan and tickled his neck. He, in response, squeezed Charlie harder which woke up Charlie from his slumber. He, at first, looked very confused, then he saw Zoey and I and his face went from confused to very embarrassed.

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