Her Past and First Day

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~14 years ago~

I was in the closet because I heard a gunshot. First instinct, HIDE. I heard sirens outside, they sounded like they were coming, I heard someone break into the house and people communicate as they come upstairs. Just then I heard my mom scream, I slowly walked out of the closet to see why. I saw a man walk across my room to the window, he pressed his finger against his lips and I obeyed. As soon as he left, I walked out of my room to my sister's. My mom was hunched over crying into my dad's arms, before anyone even saw me I was in her room, I saw her body lying limp over the edge, blood dripping over her hand, and then the white sheet slowly rise and lay over her head.


I pull off and head out on the road to Quantico."I get to be an FBI Behavioral Analysis Agent, even though i will be going into this job with two Phd's and a Bachelor Degree." I say to myself trying to make sense of all of it. I have always want to get the bad guy who killed my sister and stop it from happening to other families. After training and school, I got accepted into the BAU I can't wait to meet the team. (America's Sweetheart is playing on the radio.)

~That night~

I arrive at Quantico that night and head straight to the apartments where I am suppose to be staying. Once I enter, I meet the desk clerk," Hey miss, May I help you?" He said pleasantly "Yes, I have a room reserved for Sophia Higgins" "Oh yes, Dr. Higgins. They need you at the Bureau immediately." "Why?" "They have a case and need you on it, if you can grab what you need and head out, that would really help them." He hands me a key "Here I will take your stuff up to your room and this is the other key." "Thank you so much I will head straight there." I grab my main bag with all my stuff I need in it and wave as I head out the door to the office. Just as I get in the car, I realize, I don't know where the office is so i run back in. The cerk in just about to head upstairs,"Sir" He turns around "Yes" He answers "Where is the office?" "Turn right and go straight until you see the building you can't miss it." "Thanks" I say running back out to my car. I do exactly as the clerk said and found the building pretty easily. Once I walk in, I see the front desk lady,"Excuse me, I'm the new BAU agent and I need to find the team." "Floor 9, miss" "Thank you" I take off to the elevator and head to floor 9 as fast as I can. I walk into a room and at the far end there is a pair of glass door which led into the main office. I walk in and bump into an average sized, black haired woman. "I'm so sorry" I say getting my grip on my bag again "It's okay, where are you going in such a rush?" She asked "I'm the new agent Dr. Sophia Higgins" "Oh, I'm Emily Prentiss" "Hi nice to meet you, I heard that there was a case and I needed to get here as soon as I possibly could so here I am." "Well, follow me I'm just heading to the conference room for the debriefing. We will get you introduced and then go over the case." "Thank you so much because I probably would have just wandered around lost." We walk into the conference room and everyone is there. "Guys, This is Dr. Sophia Higgins and she is the newest member of the team." I smile and wave shyly as all the attention was turned to me "Finally, we have everyone here, Sophia, this is SSA Jason Gideon, SSA Aaron Hotchner,SSA Derek Morgan,SSA Jennifer Jareau, and Dr. Spencer Reid." "It is so nice of you to bring me in on a case this fast." "Well we need all the hands we can get." Agent Jareau says I sit down in a nearby chair "Go ahead" Says agent Hotchner as he sits back down "Okay team, We have three dead, all with the same M.O. They were drugged and murdered, each with the same hallucinogenic drug." She starts to flash the pictures across the screen as everyone starts to make predictions and deductions then agent Morgan turns to me,"So Blondie, what do you think?" "Well from the way has them buried most people face the east because of religious reasons but he makes sure they are all facing the west even though he crosses their arms as a sign of remorse." I says as I try to sound as smart as everyone thinks I am "That could be entirely true, nice work." says Hotchner "They expect us to be there by tomorrow morning, so we should probably leave later tonight." says Jareau "Okay meet at the jet in 2 hours and we are heading out to Columbus, Ohio." Everyone gets up and goes their separate ways, Hotchner ask me to stay for another minute so I just stay seated where I was."I just wanted to make sure everything has been settled and I wanted to ask if you are ready for this case?" "Yes sir, I am very ready and all my stuff was taken to my room and has been settled." "Okay, if you have any questions, Derek Morgan is going to be your superior until the next case just for comfort," "Thanks, that will help a lot." I chuckle softly "You should go get your go-bag so you can get a good seat on the plane." "Thanks agent Hotchner" "You can call me Hotch" He says as I walk out to the doors. I head back to my apartment and head inside. I wave at the clerk before heading upstairs. Once I find my room, I walk in and find my two other bags on the bed. I that my backpack and empty it so I can just get way I need.

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