The Crush and the Next Case

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*Sophia's POV*

I wake up the next morning with my head on someone's leg but that was not how I went to sleep. I roll over and see Morgan. I sit up quickly,"Hey Morgan" "Morning Blondie" he said smiling. My face cracks into a smile. "Good case" "You too!" we sit for a moment in silence as I look to see who is up. It is just us,"So what's up with you and pretty boy?" he asked quietly "Who?" I say in complete confusion "Reid, Sophia, I was talking about Reid." I glance over at Reid who is asleep with a book lying on his chest. I smile and blush slightly,"See that is what I mean" Morgan said trying to convince me. "Nothing" "You know I'm a profiler." "Nothing, He is just cute, smart, tall, it's nothing." "Ooo Blondie has a crush on pretty boy." "No, that is unprofessional" "So as your superior, I should alert the team." "No no no please do not do that." "Okay, I'll try"

We land thirty minutes later and I says bye to the team so I can go get settled into my apartment. I get into my purple Jeep and head out. I wave at the desk clerk as he stops me,"Hey how did the case go?" "Good we saved the last girl just in time." "Good job, doctor" I smile and walk to the elevator. Once I get up to my room, I lay my bag down on the couch and jump down onto my bed. I was going to unpack but I think I'm going to take another nap.

The Next Case

I wake up a hours later, it's around 7:30 p.m and I have a call from the team. I grab my stuff and head to the office immediately. When I get there, I see a lady with blonde hair walk into the conference room and it was not JJ. I walk into the room and notice everyone just lounging around," I saw I had a call and figured it was on a case." I say as I walk in and try to smooth down my hair. "We believe it is a case but not for the BAU." JJ said as she picked up the case file and handed it to Morgan, I take the seat between him and Prentiss,"There is only evidence of one murder and nothing to tie it to any other case." said Morgan "This seems like a regular old murder if you ask me." said Prentiss "True, it was just a touch odd in the method but if we are sold on no connections, I will pull up another case." JJ said "I believe we are sold." Hotch said as he picked back up his almost empty cup. "Then I will be back" JJ stepped out of the room and headed back to her office. I lean over to Prentiss,"Who is that?" I motion toward the young blonde lady heading toward the door. "Oh, Garcia", The woman stops and turns to face us,"I forgot you two haven't be introduced, Penelope Garcia, this is Dr. Sophia Higgins. Sophia this is Penelope Garcia she is our technical analyst." "Nice to meet you" I say shaking her hand "You too!" She smiles and walks away "That smile sure does light up a room, I have never seen someone so perky in this field." I say happily "Yeah, I love my baby girl." "Are you too..Like..?" "No, just really close friends" I sit back where I was and stretch out in the chair. "I wish I had some time to freshen up" "Well, If JJ finds a case soon there is a shower on the plane for anyone who needs it" Said Morgan "Really that plane even has a shower." "Yep" "I so call dibs on that but only for tonight." I say with a slight chuckle. A moment later JJ walks in with a case in her hand. "Okay I think I found something. Two women dead, one missing and the two dead have the same signature. Both women have burns, bruises and a broken or fractured bone. The also have traces of sedative tranquilizer in their blood." "That is strange for them to be abused like that but still have tranquilizer in their blood." "It is but from what the police found, that is how he kidnapped them." "Which means he probably can't charm his victims into the vehicle." Reid said "He has a specific type that he likes to target young, pretty, hard-working,blondes." said Gideon "And they also looked to be strangled but they do not know if that was the leading cause of death at this moment." said Prentiss "Garcia, see if you can pull up anymore victim's with the same MO in Florida or neighboring states." Hotch said "Yes sir" "Reid, you and Morgan get a geographical area and see what is near them and where they were picked up." "On it" "JJ, you and Prentiss start working on the profile." "What about me, sir?" I ask "You go with Garcia and see what you can find on the families." "Okay" I walk with Garcia down the hall and she leads me to her office. I look around at all the fun posters and knick-knacks. It was just so lively in there and I loved it. "So you can start on this computer and if you need any passwords just let me know." "Thanks, I love it in here it is just so much fun." "Thanks, sweetcheeks"

The FamilyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora