The New Teammate

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~The Next Week~

    I roll into the BAU and make my way to the bullpen. Everyone is around waiting for me to get there. “Hey you guys” Everyone turns and smiles as they see me. “Sophia you’re back finally, you have so much work to get done.” Hotch said with a kind smile. “I should get right on that.” “Glad to have you back, Blondie” “Thanks Morgan” “Oh, sweets I’m so glad you are back.” Garcia said as she ran over and gave me a hug. “Me too!” I notice a young, brunette standing behind JJ,”And who is this?” I say gesturing to the lady. JJ steps aside,”This is Agent Samantha Kelly and she has been helping us for the last few cases” JJ said “Oh, so you replaced me?” “No, we just needed some extra hands” “And she will be going back now right” “Well, actually she is the newest member of the team.” “She is?” “Yeah” “Okay so you don’t need me anymore.” “No, Sophia don’t act like that” “But that is what you are trying to say” “No” “If you need me, I will be elsewhere” I storm off in my wheelchair.  

*Reid’s POV*

“I can’t believe she would act like that. Agent Kelly,I’m sorry. Where in the world does she thinks she is going, she still as work today.” Hotch said. Knowing Sophia, Somewhere quiet where she can cool off. Since I found out she liked me, I went to visit her while she was at Quantico Main. I learned some great things, she is crazy smart and the more I get to know her the prettier she becomes. “Sir, I might know” I leave the team and head to the library.

When I get to the library, I see her near a stack of Agent Rossi’s crime novels. “Hey Shortcake” I say trying to cheer her up. “Please, Spencer I’m not in the mood.” “I’m sorry” “You should have told me, you knew, I thought I could trust you” She said sadly “Sophia” I said as I knelt in front of her,”I didn’t want to hurt you, I like you too much to ever hurt you.” I grab her hands as she says” I like you to Spencer and I forgive you but I don’t care if you hurt my feelings just tell me please.” “I will, Now will you come back to the office with me” “Yeah, just one question” “Anything” “How mad is Hotch?” “Pretty ticked off” “Great” I stand up and push Sophia back to the office.

*Sophia’s POV*

Once we get back to the office, Hotch immediately asked to speak with me.”Sophia a word in my office please” I roll over to the ramp and make my way to his office. “Close the door” I do as told and roll beside his desk. “Sophia, What is wrong?” “Sir, I’m sorry, I just felt terrible not being able to help at all for three whole weeks and then I come back and you have a new agent on the team, It makes me feel even more useless and awful” Hotch slides closer in his desk chair and places a hand on my shoulder,” Sophia, you couldn’t be more useful to this team if you tried, You are doing great and stepping up when you can and if you hadn’t be taken, we may have taken many more days finding the guy. You are doing just fine and I would never want to replace you.” “Thank you sir” “And please, stop giving me close calls” he said with a slight chuckle “Sorry” I said returning a smile

I roll out into the bullpen and go over to my desk,”How did it go” Morgan asked “Fine I guess, I mean i’m not packing up my desk anytime soon.” “It’s good to have you back” He said as he gave me a hug “Thanks I missed this place a lot while I was gone.” Garcia comes back out into the bullpen,"Sweets, can you come with me please?" "Sure" I make my way to Garcia as we go to her office.

*Reid's POV*

    As Sophia rolls off with Garcia I go over to her chair and sit down, she has been working on these little stories. They are a mix between Fairy Tales and Criminal Minds. I've been asking her for the last three weeks if I could read them and she keeps saying no because she is to shy, so if I want to read one I'm going to have to find one and "borrow" it. I start going through this one file she keeps away in her desk, I find one and walk back onto my desk as fast as possible. I get back just as she comes in. Morgan gives me a smirk that thankful Sophia did not notice.
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This was three weeks after I got out of the Hospital and me and Reid had started dating two weeks ago.

And go check out any of my new stories. I will be publishing a new supernatural fanfic with many parts soon. It is also partly from the show Grimm.

But for now that's all folks!

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