Jeepers Creepers

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*Sophia's POV*

~On the Plane~

I sit on the couch until I hear JJ start talking about the case, then I get up to go sit beside the table. Hotch starts to explain that the man could be a cannibal and that is why he is stabbing them instead of shooting them. This could be huge part of the investigation that I had already called. Morgan said that when we give the profile we should probably more careful with how we talk about him because it could endanger the officers. After we finish, everyone kinda goes back to where they were sitting. I go over to the couch and help myself on so I could lay down, it was going to be a long flight to Dayton,WA.

*Reid's POV*

I see Sophia sleeping on the couch, I know she didn't get much sleep after her nightmare so I sit and put her head on my lap as I start playing with her hair. Morgan comes and sits in front of me,"Looks like Soph is going to be out for awhile." "Yeah, she had trouble sleeping last night so I'm going to let her rest up for the case." I whisper back to Morgan. "What did you keep her up?" He winked "No, She had a nightmare and I woke her up. She was very upset but she wrote and fell back asleep at some point last night." "She looks okay right now" Morgan said sympithecially "I just hope she stays that way"

~Arrival in Washington~

*Sophia's POV*

Reid wakes me up,"We are landing soon" "Thanks Baby" I fall back asleep even though we only had like ten minutes until we were landing. Reid shook me away,"Mom come on five more minutes, I don't even need a shower today." I hear a chuckle and open my eyes to see Morgan with a huge grin on his face. "Well I mean you don't have to shower." "Shut up,Morgan" I grab my bag and get off the plane with the rest of the team. Once we get off the plane, everyone but Reid and I head to the crime scene. We head back to the police station and start on the geographical profile. "Hey Reid, do you think that we could stretch the area a little farther than usual?" "Yeah, why?" "Because there is an area where a bunch of abandoned warehouses are and I believe some of them were for food way back when and that would really help a cannibal." "That is a good point." He open the circle a little and fixes the calculations. "Thanks" "You're welcome" We step back and look at the partially done work. I sit down in the rolly chair beside the desk and Reid sits beside me. "You wanna see something?" "What" "Do you have a dollar bill?" I dig in my pocket and find a dollar that I had from some leftover change," Here" I hand it to him and he grabs a pen off the desk "Watch carefully" "Okay" He takes the pen and pushes through the eye off the dollar bill. I look at him in surprise. "Hold on" He starts to move the pen through the dollar and then pulls it out the other side. "Woah, I didn't know could do magic" "Yeah, I had a lot of free time as a kid" A few minutes later the team walks in, Hotch walks over to us. "We found a few things at the crime scene that might help." "What?" I asked "The body seemed to have been persevered postmortem." "Well, Sophia called that one. She told me to stretch the area into the abaddon area where some of the building have freezers for food." "Good call, Soph" "Thanks Sir" Hotch walks away," How did you know?" I stood up from my seat," Magic I guess" I walk off to the break room to get a coffee.

~Reid's POV~

I don't know how she does it but she never ceases to amaze me. As she walked off I grabbed out her story that I have been dying to read but I haven't had anytime. I pulled it out and smoothed it out because I crunched it up pretty bad. I turned back to see her coming out of the office. I put the papers in a manila folder and put it back in my bag. "Hey, I brought you some coffee too! It is never not a good time for coffee." "Thanks Shortcake" "No problem Ace." She smiles and sits down on the other side of the table. Morgan walks over and sits beside Sophia," So have you found anything?" I said to Morgan when he sat down. "No, you?" "Yeah, But nothing helpful" "Ugh," Sophia said. "Babygirl what is it" Morgan said as I glared at him. "Well I think we need a fresh set of eyes to get another perspective." "But who," I say as JJ starts to nod and walks out of the room.

*JJ's POV*

I walk out of the room and pull out my cell phone knowing what Sophia meant "Hey Will," "Hi sweetheart, what's happening" he questions nervously. "It's nothing bad, just we need something from someone else's perspective." "Oh ok, read what you have so far"

~A few minutes later~

"Guys" I say walking back in the room. "Sophia that was amazing call," "Why?" "I think we might have a lead."

**Time Skip**

We arrested and put Jim O'Donnell in jail. On the way back to the station, I got to sit shotgun with Hotch and Reid was in the back with Rossi. I went to turn on the radio and find a not fuzzy station. Once I found it was playing the song "Jeepers Creepers"  and I turned off the whole radio and all the guys started chuckling.

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