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*Sophia's POV*

I get back to my desk and start going through my files. I notice a slight mess but I haven't been here in awhile. I start to straighten up but then Reid rolls over in his desk chair,"Hey Shortcake" "Hey Honey" "Do you need any help cleaning up your desk" "No I'm just fixing up so I can write this report." "Okay, baby" He said ashe rolled back to his desk. As this happened , a woman had walked in and most of the team had become pretty quiet. "HOW DARE YOU SHOW ANY SIGNS OF PDA IN MY OFFICE?" I look over at Morgan and whisper," Who is the girl yelling?" He shakes his head vigorously. "I'll go see if see needs any help" Morgan tries to stop me but I get up and walk over to her."Ma'ma do you need any help?" "Help, me help" "Yes" "First you show affection to a co worker, second you ask if I need help, Your boss is going to hear about this ." I glance over at Reid and he has turned bright red. "I told you not to" Morgan said knowingly.

Hours Later

*Sophia's POV*

I finish my paperwork for the last case I worked and everyone decides it was time to go home. Garcia had went home first, then JJ and Prentiss and Gideon. Morgan, Reid and I were the last to leave. "I'll see you two in the morning, bye." "Bye." We said as we left "Well, I'm done." I said hoping he would accept because I really hated being in my wheelchair and at home alone. "Sure, I'd love that."Reid got up and grabbed his bag, he stuffed a paper quickly into it but I brushed it off. I got my bag in my lap,"I'll be right back, I want to apologize to Hotch. I roll up to Hotch's office and knocked,"Yes" "Hello sir" He looked up from his papers,"Come in, Sophia" "Sir, I just wanted to apologize for the way I acted today, I should have been more professional about the situation." "You may have reacted slightly harsh but I understand. I thank you and believe you should be going you have someone waiting." I glanced at Reid and felt a blush creeping up my cheeks,"Thanks sir" "Go, have fun but not to much." I chuckle,"Thanks" I roll out to Reid.

As we drive to my apartment, I realize that I haven't been to Reid's place and he hasn't been to my either. We pull up to the building, "I'll order pizza once we get upstairs or you can because I have to get out of this tight pants suit." "I can" "Thanks" "You want me to push you in" "Sure, thanks" He pushes me into the building and I wave at the desk clerk,"Hey Billy" "Hello Doctor" "I'm ordering pizza tonight so let them up when they get here and don't give them a hard time" He blushed slightly remembering the last time a pizza man showed up at the apartment complex. "Will do," "This way, Spence" I said as I rolled toward the elevator. He follows and we get to my apartment. I roll in,"I'm going to take a quick shower and get out of this tight pants suit." "Okay, I will order pizza" "Cheese please" I say as I roll to the bathroom down the hall. I get in the shower trying to steady myself, wash my hair and shave. I take the shortcut to my room and get dressed, I wear one of my oversized t-shirts, hoping it will give my bandages some air and a pair of cloth shorts. I wanted to look good for Reid but I also don't feel up to it so I just throw my hair into a messy, wet bun. I roll out to the kitchen just in time to see Reid getting the pizza,"I'll pay you back." I said as he shut the door,"No, this one's on me." "Thanks baby" A blush set onto his cheeks as he brought the pizza over to the coffee table. I get over to the couch and try to stand up, stumbling, Reid comes over and put his arm under my to steady me as I move over to the couch. I sit down and he sits beside me. We spend the night watching TV and eating our pizza, I little while later I start to feel tired. I didn't want Reid to feel forced to leave and to be honest, I didn't want him to leave. I start to doze off.

*Reid's POV*

I notice as Sophia starts to fall asleep, but she looked so peaceful I decided against shifting or moving in anyway. After the show finally started to roll the credits, I figured it was time to take her to bed. I carefully slipped off the couch, I placed one arm under her back and one under her knees careful not to move her hip to much. I started towards the hallway where she had came from after her shower. I figured her room had to be that way. I find her room and place her on her bed covering her up before I turn to leave. "Stay" She said "Shhh, Just go back to sleep." "No, Stay" this time she said as she grabs my wrist. "Okay" I strip down to my t-shirt and boxers before I climb into the bed beside her. She cuddles up to my chest as I wrap my arms around her waist. I give her a small kiss on her forehead.

Hours later

I wake up to Sophia thrashing around beside me, she was muttering something I couldn't make out. "Babe!" I yelled trying to snap her out of her terror filled dream. "Sophia!" Finally, she bolted up and started to breathe heavily. It took her few seconds to realize I was there. "Spencer?" "It's me. You're fine, it's safe here." She threw her arms around my neck and I hugged her back. "Are you okay?" I ask still embracing her. She nodded back slowly in response. "Thank you for waking me up." "No problem. Do...do you want to talk about it?" "No, it's alright. It was just a dream I've been having since I was a child." "Well then it's okay now. You're 100% completely safe." Sophia looked away like she was embarrassed, "Hey it's fine trust me when I tell you I've had nightmares." I said trying to console her. "Really?" she questioned, "But you've been doing this a lot longer than me." "Not that much shortcake, Are you going to go back to sleep?" "No I think I am going to write for a little." "Okay, Are you sure you're fine?" "Fore the last time yes Reid I am fine," she said with a smile. "And Reid.... thank you," Sophia said. "Anytime beautiful,"

The Next Morning

I wake up with my notebook lying on my chest. I look at the clock, I have two hours before it is time to be at work. Reid is asleep beside me, I decide to let him sleep. I crawl out of my bed and go to the kitchen," Maybe I should make breakfast." I say aloud to myself, "I would love that" I whip around in my chair to find Reid standing in the doorway. "Well sleepyhead, only if you help me because I can't reach everything." "Okay Shortcake" Reid walked over and grabbed the flour from one of the top cabinets. I got all the other ingredients to make sausage, eggs, and gravy. "Can you get me two bowls, they are in the top cabinet over there?" I said pointing to the far left cabinet. "Yeah" He says as he walks over and gets the bowl for me. Once I get everything cooked, Reid gets plates down. I roll over to the table as Reid carries our plates. He lays mine down in front of me before moving to sit down and eat his own. I watch him as he takes a bite of his gravy,"This gravy is amazing!" "It is my family's recipe" He continues to eat his as we sit in silence. All the sudden my phone rings and I look at the caller ID,it was Hotch. "Dr.Higgins speaking" "Hello Sophia, We have a case and I need everyone to the bureau." "Okay, I will get ready and head over ASAP." "Thank you and tell Reid I will need his help." "How did you know?" "You just confirmed it" "Did I ever mention how much I hated profilers" "Nope" "Well I do" He chuckles as he hangs up. We have a case and Hotch needs us there immediately" "Okay, I will go get ready" He said as he meet his way back to my room. He always had an extra pair of clothes ready in his go bag so he changes and I made my way back to my room. I change decide to go a touch casual today. I pull on a pair of skinny khakis and a formal top. I wear my blazer over it and roll back down the hall grabbing my bag. I go to the door to get my shoes but I couldn't get my right one on because of my hip. Reid noticed my struggle and walked over," Do you need help with your glass slipper, my princess." "Thank you Prince Charming" I said giggling. He stood up and grabbed his bag before we headed out.


A/N Thank you all for being patient, I have been super busy the last few weeks and am having a hard time being able to write at all. I going to try and update next week.

Thanks and that's all y'all! 

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