Another Case

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When we get to the bureau, Reid pushes me into the building and we get to the sixth floor. Reid holds the door as I roll over to my desk. He sits down at his desk as we wait on Hotch to explain why he called. The team starts to slowly trickle in one by one until everyone was at there desk waiting. After what seemed like an hour, Hotch appeared at his door,"Everyone in the Conference room in ten." I took the long way round so I could use the ramp, Morgan being last to get in the room waited on me to get there," You know you can always ask me to carry you instead of taking the long way round." "I might take you up on that" I rolled in, in front of Morgan taking a seat beside the new agent, Samantha. "Hey, I'm Dr. Sophia Higgins and I just wanted to apologize for the way I acted toward you the other day, I had a very bad last few weeks and I just wanted to say that I would be happy to work with you." She looked up at me and smiled ever so slightly," Thanks, I can't wait to work with you either." Hotch stood up to explain the case. "We have a very unusual case that was sent to us by an old friend of mine. She said that the victims all had their eyes removed and had been stabbed a few times before the removal." "Why would he stab the victims and then remove their eyes." Morgan asked as a shiver went down my spine. I was not a big fan of any type of removal. Reid started to speak up,"He could be taken them as trophies" "He could be doing something worse like eating them." I said, a few people kinda gave me a look but I just shrugged. "Well, That is a thought but hopefully not." Hotch said as he gave the briefing "Anyway, wheels up in 30 but before that Soph go get the extra files from Garcia. Reid go copy the papers that Rossi has, and JJ and Prentiss go make sure the police are ready for us." Every goes to get what they need. I go to Garcia's office and Derek comes with because Hotch didn't give him a job. "Okay, Sweets take these to Hotch and Chocolate take these and get them to the team on the plane." "Okay baby girl" I roll out first and go down the hall before I pass the copy room Reid comes down the hall. "Hey baby" I say before I pass "Hey shortcake" "Tell me something I don't know tall boy." He leans over and places his hand on either side of the wheelchair, inches from my face,"Did you know..." "Yes" I say as I cup my hands around his face and kiss him. He goes with it and after a few seconds leans out. He starts to finish his sentence, "kissing burns calories." I smile and slowly roll away to give Hotch the files.

*Reid's POV*

I watch as the most beautiful girl I've ever meet leaves the room. After she is gone I turn my attention toward the chuckling Derek Morgan and Garcia who has a gaping mouth. "Way to go Pretty Boy," he said matter of factly. "Hey I work out too, just in a different way." I leave on that statement and run to catch up to Sophia before Morgan kills me. I hear Morgan say,"I can't believe that boy sometimes."

*                                                                                                       *                                                                                         *

A/N: Hey Everyone, I'm trying to remember  to update but I'm going to be in a show and I have had rehearsals all week every night till like 10 , but I will update when I have time because I'm about to start back to school.

That's all!

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