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Jill [7.30pm] - Hi?

Lauren [7.31pm] - Hey. Wow. You texted me first. 😉

Jill [7.39pm] - You didn't reply.

Lauren [7.42pm] - Oh yeah. About that, I'm sorry. I had to work..work..work... We're so jampacked today. So many stuffs and happenings.

Jill [4.43pm] - I understand.

Lauren [4.44pm] - What's up?

Jill [7.50pm] - Lauren i need to tell you something.

Lauren [7.56pm] - Are you okay?

Jill [8.10pm] - Lauren i think we should stop texting each other.

Lauren [8.18pm] - Oh. Why?

Jill [8.21pm] - You don't need to deal with an emotional human being like me.

Jill [8.22pm] - You deserve all the happiness.  I'm basically letting you in to this sad life of mine.

Lauren [8.25pm] - That's hilarious. What are you saying? 😅

Jill [8.26pm] - I'm too toxic for you.

Lauren [8.29pm] - I thought you deserved all the happiness too Jill.

Lauren [8.34pm] - Hey?

Lauren [8.49pm] - Well. If that's your choice. Im rooting for your healing. You'll get there soon.

Jill [8.50pm] - Thank you so much.

Lauren [8.51pm] - Take care, okay?

Jill [8.52pm] - I will.

Lauren [8.54pm] - Text me if you need me.

Jill [9.01pm] - Good Bye Lauren.

Lauren [9.05pm] - Bye Softie. 😚

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