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Chapter 01 | Bitter Sweet

Light is easy to love

Show me your darkness

- R.Queen


Do you know what memory has taught you about bitterness our life? The memory has taught you to remind of the people who you love the most. No one in this world can guess what things will come to your life. Sometimes it will bring you out to the happiest moment of your life. Otherwise, in some other times, it will overthrow you to a deep hole which is easy to smash you into some pieces. I still remember and feel every moment in my life because of that night. The night which I will never forget for the rest of my life.

September 2011

Going home in under the heat of the sun is something which makes all the students at Julia R.Masterman School exhausted. Certainly not as hot as the heat of the sun in summer, but somehow making me wondering why the heat today blew all over my body. Today is the first day of autumn in September. It is supposed to be warm like the leaf fall down in the fall. However, this time, it does not show those characteristics. Or did global warming already overwhelm Philadelphia? I wish tomorrow would be a beautiful day when I pass this way again.

I see the school bus is waiting for the passengers. All of the students refer to board the yellow bus. I do not know what I am thinking. I just hope to go home as soon as possible. I told Peter that I want to go home quickly. Maybe he could take me home alongside him. Unfortunately, he told me to go home first because he still had a class this afternoon.

Lost from the thought, I am getting ready to step into the bus. When students are no longer crowded, I step my feet into the bus. I choose seat number two on the left corner. I realize that I sit alone without any friends around me. I clasp the red backpack through my chest. On the way home, I just keep silent looking at the window seeing some schoolgirls who are laughing with their friends.

Looking at them makes me cognizant. I want to be like them. Finding a true friend who will make me laugh and embrace me when I get sad. I am thinking, will I meet such a person like that in my life? Because all I know, best friend I have is only my brother. Similarly, it cannot be called A Best Friend.

Arriving at home, I ring the doorbell in front of the main door. However, no one responds my call. In my mind, is Mommy shopping at the supermarket near the house? For a moment, it reminds me that my mother had given me a spare key if I come home early. I find the key in my bag. Then, I open the big door.

Out of tiredness, I choose to lean myself on the couch. I feel so tired till forgetting to take my shoes off. If Mommy knows, she would be upset with me. I take my shoes off slowly. Again, I put my backpack on the dining table. I walk into the kitchen in order to find something to eat. Unfortunately, there are only two pieces of bread were left. But I decided to look for the food in the fridge. Luckily, there is a delicious piece of apple that shakes my mind. I take the apple and hold it on my right.

It takes the time to think where the heck Mommy really is. It is unusual for her to leave during the day like this. I decided to walk up the stairs to her room. Nothing seems suspicious. However, strangely enough, mommy's room door is half open. It is getting me starting prejudiced over this thing.

Slowly, I enter the room. Unexpectedly, I notice that she lies down on the floor with a shard of broken glass around her. I see blood on her nose. In her left hand, there is blood splitting because of broken glass. I can guess this is the glass she used to drink. This glass is one of the daddy's gifts for her during their wedding anniversary this year. Fear enveloped me. I do not know what to do. I just yelled and cried over this mess.

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