You Can't Always Fix A Broken Heart

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Dear Alex,

I don't know how to say this without hurting but it is time to leave this world. I'm sorry that I'm leaving you with our child but it is better this way. I fear that if our child found out what they really are they would end up hating us. It is in your best intrest to keep this a secret until their older. I'm so sorry my love but I promise you will always be in my heart. I love you and I regret having to leave but I know you will make an amazing father without my help. I love you and don't think that this will be the last you hear of.from me...


Yours Forever Dylan

I slipped my letter into an envelope and set it on the table. I sighed as I walked to the bedroom and grabbed my bag off the bed and took one last glance around the room.

"I'm going to miss it here."

I put the bag over my shoulder and started repeating the words that I had spent hours memorizing.

"Let the world I am in begin to fade and be replaced with the world that my heart longs to be in..."

I kept repeating these words over and over out loud until my voice fell silent and the words rang loud and clear in my mind. I closed my eyes and soon I felt my body begin to get lighter; soon I heard and felt nothing ad my body began to disintgrate and transport between the two worlds. It felt like an eternity before my body began to feel once again whole; I took a deep breath as the gravel of the Underworlds dirt floors cushioned the bottoms of my shoes. I smirked as a heat wave washed over my body making me feel stronger as my body craved the power that the Underworld possessed. I felt my smirk faulter as my father walked into the cave that I had ended up in; his face was priceless as a shocked expression crossed his face.

"Hello father... Long time no talk. Did you miss me?"

He chuckled as he made his way closer to me.

"Hello son... I see you finally returned to your rightful place as second in command?"

I growled growing pissed off that yet again my father had to be little me. I took a step towards him closing the small gap that had sepreated us.

"Don't make me laugh father. Do you really think I would come back to be only second in command... didn't you teach me better than that? Didn't you say second place was for losers? I came to be the ruler of the Underworld..."

My father had a bored look on his face and that made the anger inside me grow even more.

"You're honestly going to try to defeat me? Don't make me laugh... I've been the leader for over a thousand years and I have defeated hundreds of challengers before you dear son... You have no chance of defeating me even if I did go easy on you because you're my son... not that I would ever go easy on you..."

Now it is my turn to chuckle as my fathers words sink in.

"You honestly have no faith in me do you?"

My fathers face grew a deeper shade of red as he yelled at me.


His face contorted as his human form melted away and revealed a monster under it. My fathers skin was now a blood red and his head had sprouted two medium sized horns. I watched in amazment as his hands curled and uncurled and soon his fingers had grown into dagger like claws. I gasped because the last time I had seen my father in this form was when I was a small child around the age of five or six. I had been running around the crators of boiling lava and I had found a secret cave that I had never explored before. Being a curious child I snuck into the cave and thats when I saw the beast rip someone in half and then change back into the human version of my father. That memory has haunted me to the day... I can't sleep without seeing that beast. I felt my confidence drain from me as I remember my father ripping that other man in half... I mean I heard him say that just because I'm his son doesn't mean that he will go easy on me... I wonder if he would rip me in half? I drew in a deep breath and stated in the calmest voice I could muster.

"Your true form does not scare me... This is not the first time I have seen it."

All the creature in front of me did was let out a series of growls that sounded kind of like a mocking laughter. Hearing my own father laugh at me made something deep inside of me snap. I sprang forward and my hand struck out like lightning and it raked down his face. I took a step back and smirked as the creature put a clawed hand up to his bleeding cheek. The creature let out a loud anger filled roar and his eyes changed from a forest green to a hatred filled black thats when I realized that this creature in front of me no longer had any traces of my father inside of it. I was in a life or death situation and I was afraid that death the likely outcome of this; either I kill my father or he kills me... I quickly moved to my right as the creature struck out with his left leg trying to land a blow to my stomach it narrowly missed its mark as I lost my balance slightly. I had to take a couple steps back to regain my balance and I sighed inwardly when the beast charged me again but this time his fists went flying this way and that and I did my best to block them but one fist smashed my face and I went flying back through a cave wall. I groaned as I lay there stunned for a moment but I quickly regained myself and got up. The creature smashed the hole larger and walked through it and picked me up by my neck and looked me directly in the eyes with its hatred filled eyes and said in a deep demonic voice.

"Any last words?"

I struggled against his hold and kicked out my legs and to my surprise I landed a kick to his stomach that must have done some damage because the creature dropped me to the floor and bent over trying to regain air in its lungs. I took advantage of his position and took out my hidden blade and stabbed the creature in the back. The creature hollard in pain and stood up and thats when I plunged my blade straight through its back and into its heart causing the creature to fall to its knees clutching its chest and taking its final breath it fell to the floor and it wasn't till that moment that it finally hit me... I had just murdered my own father...

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