Alex's POV:

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        I had a feeling that Destiny was going to react in the mannor that she did; I just never expected her to run away for this long. I've had Arthur out looking for her because I've been too weak with worry to be able to get out of bed. 

        I rolled over in bed and sighed, the mid morning light was shining in through the window and was casting its bright rays of cheeriness onto me but all I felt was the warmth that was given off. I sat up slowly and thwe world began to spin and I had to lay back down; as soon as I layed down the spinning began to decrease but it never fully left. I bit my lip as I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, I knew it was Arthur and he was going to come in here and try to consoul me for the lose of Destiny. I was honestly sick and tired of Arthur coming in everyday with a sad face and saying that he still hadn't seen any sign of her. All that did was make me more depressed and not want to get out of bed, I mean of course I want to get out there and find my little girl, any daddy inn his right mind would want too, but I just physically can't. 

        I tried once again to sit up and this time it wasn't as bad and I actually managed to stay sitting up without the dizziness taking over my vision again. Arthur knocked on the door gently before he slowly opened it.

"I'm sorry Sweetie I hope I didn't wake you.''

        He said softly as he shut the door and walked over to me slowly. I looked at him and then looked down and didn't say anything, it seemed that whenever Arthur got near me lately that I was unable to find the right words to say. I looked back up at him and I caught a look of defeat on his face before he realized that I was actually loking back up at him. When he noticed his face quickly changed into a mask of happiness but I now recognized the sadness that he was trying to hide behind his soft green eyes. 

''I'm sorry."

        I softly whispered, Arthur came and sat on the edge of the bed beside me and took my face in his hands gently and said softly.

''Please don't be sorry.''

        I leaned against Arthurs shoulder and sighed softly. I felt my heart tear into two pieces as a small tear raced down my cheek. Arthurs hand softly came up and wiped it away.

''No matter what happens we will get her back... Even if I have to search the entire world. I would do anything to see you happy again.''

        I felt my heartache even more as I let Arthurs words sink in. I bit my lip softly and felt a whole new flood of tears begin to flood down my face.

''I love you Arthur and it's very sweet of you to go out and look for her but she's a half demon child.. She could be in either world and we will probably never find her.''

        I sniffled and layed back down and curled up into a small ball. I felt Arthurs hand rest on my back and he gently rubbed it soothingly in small circular motions and I felt myself being slowly lulled into a horrifiying nightmare filled sleep.


She's running. Running through the woods... The woods look so fimilar yet so differen't at the same time. I hear her scream, my poor baby lost in the woods... But I can't be sure that she's the one screaming because her lips they aren't moving but something deep down in my chest is telling me that it's her that the shrill terrified screams are coming from. Her screams keep echoing through the woods until suddenly they cut off when she wraps her arms around an unseen force. She smiles and then everything around her shatters and she falls down as blood pours out from her chest.

        I gasped and quickly sat up in bed; the images from my nightmare still fresh in my mind. I leaned agains the headboard and that's when I noticed that Arthur wasn't in bed with me anymore. I sighed softly and tried to get up, I gasped in pain as my body faught off the weakness that it had obtained since I had fallen ill. As I finally stood up as straight as my body would let me I stumbled to the door and opened it slowly and peered out. The hallway was dark and seemed to be clear so I opened the door more and cautiously walked out, I kept close to the wall as I walked down the hall and towards the staircase. I stopped and listened to see if I could hear Arthur; when I heard nothing I hesitently walked down the stairs slowly. I looked around the dim living room and still saw no sign; I sighed and stumbled into the kitchen and my eyes caught the horrifying sight before my nose caught the rusty smell of blood.

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