Dylans POV

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I sighed as I walked out of my large office and into the waiting room. I looked at all the evil spirits that were sitting in front of me waiting to get condemed to Hell for eternity for their sins. I looked at young boy who couldn't be much older than myself and sighed inwardly it was horrible that young boys and girls are being killed or are killing themselves. I waved the young boy into my office and as he got up I noticed that he had long bloody claw like marks that looked like they were still fairly fresh. I shut the door with a softclick and sat behind my large desk that was carved out of a large piece of rock. I folded my hands neatly on the desk and stared at the boy curiously.

"So explain to me why you think you're sitting here in front of me.''

He looked at me worried and for some reason this boy seemed to be really fimiliar to me. As I was racking my brain through all the boyfriends that I had in the past. I gasped as I recgonized the boy as one of my last boyfriends before I had found Alex.

"Damen what the Hell are you doing here?''

Damen looked at me worried and I wondered why until I realized that my father had gotten to him and had eliminated him so that Damen would never be able to talk about what he had went through with me. Damen looked around nervously and started to bite his lip -something I found very attractive-.

"I want to live again Dylan... I think I found the perfect person for me and I want to be with her forever.''

He looked at me with fear in his eyes and bite his lip again. I shook my head and looked at Damen straight in his eyes and saw a small flicker of hope in his eyes along side the fear.

"Tell me about this girl and what you feel about her.''

He sighed and a small smiled played on his lips.

"She's beautiful, she has black hair and icy blue eyes that seem wise and have been through things even though she's still young... She's fourteen and she is so smart. She makes me smile and I make her smile. I also feel that she's been thrown to the side and that she has no one else to take care of her and love her so I want to be there for her... so please do me this one favour and please please make me human again and if not a human make me a demon that can walk on earth.''

I looked at Damen shocked. When he and I were in love he never was a sappy lovey guy but the look on his face now seemed genuine and he seemed so happy that it would be cruel to not return him to his love. I nodded my head slowly.

"I see you honestly love this girl and if I turn you into a demon then you have to promise to come to me whenever I need your help... okay?''

He looked at me and for a second I saw the worry in his eyes but a hard expression came over his face.

''She's worth the risk I would do anything for her.''

I smiled and felt my heart squeeze.

"Okay I will make sure that you become a demon and you can return to the one that you love. The rules are that she must not find out that you're a demon and that if she ever stops loving you; you will return to Hell forever.''

He nodded and bit his lip.

"I understand.''

I reached under my desk and opened a secret drawer and pulled out a small pouch of dried red leaves. I sighed and placed the pouch on the desk.

"These leaves have the power to change you into a demon but they wear off if you don't have a true love connection..."

He nodded and looked at me slightly worried, he fiddled with his hands in a nervous kind of way.

"I hope that she feels the same way about me that I do about her... I mean I know I'm still young and she's two years younger than me but I feel likie in 10 or more years I want to marry her.''

I smiled as a memory came to mind. Damen and I were sitting under a Weeping Willow tree, when I had first gotten him pregnant, and we were just staring out at the still water. I felt this really strong urge to just make him mine but I was too scared to tell him the way I felt. When I was ready to tell him he was five months along and then we lost the baby and it just tore us apart. The pain and sorrow of losing our first baby I think broke us apart so bad that even though we tried again and again for another the damage was already done.

"Do you remember when we used to be in love? I wanted to marry you and start a family with you so bad... I felt so bad that we kept losing the babies and I wasn't mad at you because I knew my father never agreed to my crazy plans... but anywhore I killed my father so we don't have to worry about him coming after you.''

He looked at me with wide eyes and his mouth dropped open.

You did what!?"

I nodded like it was no big deal and it really wasn't I was so used to being the new Satan that it felt like I had always been Satan. I smirked my most evil smirk and he shrank down in his chair.

"Wow that's so crazy!!"

"Yeah I guess but I'm so used to it now that it's not that big of a deal to me.''

He yawned and nodded, I handed him the pouch of leaves and curled his fingers around the pouch. I looked into his eyes and whispered.

"I've missed you so much and I'm so glad you found someone who can make you truly happy.''

He smiled and a light blush crept over his cheeks.

"Thank you Dylan that means so much to me and I'm so sorry..''

I shook my head and kissed his cheek softly a sad smile played on my lips.

"Don't worry Damen I found the perfect guy for me and we have a baby together... well I guess we had a baby together...''

I sniffled and looked down... Satan was not allowed to cry let alone in front of someone else. Damen looked at me and took my hand in his.

"What do you mean?"

"Well Alex kind of ran away when my father and I had a huge fight and well I looked and looked and well I couldn't find him and then I came down here and was so angry at my father for ruining my life that I kind of killed him... So now my boyfriend and my baby are somewhere probably in someone elses arms...''

I sighed and looked up at Damen and saw that he had tears in his eyes; Damen got up and hugged me so tightly that I lost my breath.

"I'm so sorry Dylan!! I will help you to my best abilities to find your baby and your boyfriend... Oh wait what is your boyfriends name??"

"His name is Alex and the babies name is Destiny.''

He nodded and looked up. I guessed that he wanted to get back so that he could get back to his girlfriend... I waved my hand over his body and he slowly began to disappear. He looked at me bewildered and sadly as he waved and disappeared... I sighed and sat back, closing my eyes I hoped that the feelings that I were beginning to feel would go away.

"Why me?"

I sighed and closed my eyes and and rested my head on my hand. I felt bad for not checking up on Alex like I could so easily now but I knew what I was going to see if I did look him up... He was going to have a beautiful baby and some other guys arm around him... I didn't want to see that it was going to kill me.

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