Alex's P.O.V

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I lay back panting as the baby violently kicked my stomach again. Pain was starting to course through as the baby got more and more angry. Arthur came to my side and put a damp wash cloth on my face and it helped right away with the headache that I was starting to get. I sat up a bit and wrapped my arms around my belly trying to calm the baby the best I could. I slowed my breathing and was slowly massaging my belly when Arthur walked out of the bedroom and came back in with a black duffelbagba few minutes later. I bit my lip and laid back flat on the bed.

"I brought back some medicine that will help you not feel any pain when I do the C- section."

I nodded my head slowly as he came around to my right side and took my arm and set it in his lap as he took the cap off the needle and stabbed it into the bottle of anastetics and sucked up half a needle full. I bit my lip and closed my eyes and waited for the sharp sting of the needle; I felt the small pinch and soon I began to relax as the pain started to deminish. My breathing returned to normal as Arthur took out a scuple and lifted my shirt up over my large swollen stomach. I whimpered at the sight of the scuple going near the flesh of my stomach. Arthur lowered the scuple and came over to my side again and he slowly ran his fingers through my hair which calmed me almost instantly.

"Don't worry sweety everything will be okay... I promise."

I sighed and closed my eyes.

"Okay go ahead."

I felt a sharp sting as the metal dug into my flesh hungerily. I whimpered and cursed under my breath because apprently the anestetics didn't want to work. I felt tears slide down my cheeks as I felt Arthurs hands inside of me poking and prodding. I felt a slight pressure and a pop a minute later I heard the small cries of my baby. I smiled and suddenly back dots started to dance in front of my eyes. The last thing I heard before everything went dark was...

"It's a girl."

Bright colours swirled around me in strange patterns... colours that are impossible to describe; suddenly the colours began to make shapes and I felt as if I had just awoken from a long sleep. I opened my eyes and found that I was in a dimly lit cave with a few other stange looking half human half demon creatures. I brought my knees to my chest and that's when I noticed that I had a number stamped on my hand. It was hard to read but I swore it said 666. I jumped as a loud overhead speaker came to life and called out my number. I nervously looked around and got up off my rock and walked carefully to the mouth of the cave and what I saw made my jaw drop.


I said, shock laced my quiet voice.

"What are you doing here... What is here?"

I asked alittle worried. Dylan took my hand in his and walked me into his office -which was a larger version of the cave I was just in- he sighed and sat down behind a large stone desk and gestured me to sit on the rock in front of the desk.

"You died Alex...but I won't let you stay dead... our child needs to have at least one father there... and it can't be me so it must be you."

I looked down and sighed; inside my heart felt like it was being ripped in two. One half was being pulled by my love for Dylan and the other half was being pulled by my love for Arthur.

"Come back with me Dylan... I can't raise a child on my own."

Well I technically wouldn't be raising her on my own but still... Dylan looked at me sadly and shook his head.

"I can't Alex... I have a duty to rule the Underworld and guide all the damned souls to the darkest pits of Hell."

I sniffled and felt a single tear drip down my cheek. I turned away from Dylan and whispered with all the hate that I could muster.

"I see how it is now... being ruler of the Underworld is so much more important to you than raising our daughter and being with me than so be it... send me back than..."

I couldn't manage to say anything else because the grief stuck in my throat and made words impossible to speak. Dylan sighed and looked me directly in the eyes.

"Think what you want Alex because I know that it's impossible to change your mind now but know that I never gave up looking for you until I knew your heart moved onto someone else..."

As his words faded I began to feel light headed and the cave began to spin as my mind got foggy. Soon my body felt as light as a feather drifting along on a warm summers day but sadly that feeling didn't last long because all the sudden in one big rush I was a whole person again. I whimpered slightly as a damp cloth was placed on my forehead and I tried to open my eyes slowly. I heard the faint sounds of my daughter crying in the backround and all I could think of was getting up and making sure that she was okay. I tried to sit up but a burning hot pain seared through my stomach and a frantic Arthur jumped up and pushed me gently down again with his free hand.

"Relax Alex she's okay she's just got a good set of lungs on her."

I sighed in relief and held my arms out and Arthur smiled at me and placed her in my arms. I smiled down at her and whispered.

"Hey there little one... hmm... what should I name you? I think Destiny Rose Whitecastle suits you well."

Destiny smiled up at me and stopped crying as she wrapped her tiny little fingers around one of my fingers. I looked up at Arthur witj tears in my eyes and whispered.

"She's perfect..."

Arthur nodded his head slowly but I could tell that it pained him that this was not our child but mine and someone elses. I looked down and noticed that little Destiny was fast asleep in my arms and I let out a small sigh.

"Arthur can you please being the crib beside the bed please?"

He nodded and picked up the crib and brought it beside the bed. I yawned as Arthur took Destiny out of my arms and set her gently in the crib. She whimpered for a second before falling sound asleep again. I patted the bed softly and Arthur came and sat down beside me and kissed my cheek.

"I'm so proud of you Alex... you did amazing today and don't worry I'll get up every time she cries until you feel you're ready to do it."

I nodded my head as my eyelids drooped and I began to feel overily tired.

"Sleep Alex don't fight it your body needs all the rest it can get."

I nodded my head and as soon as I stopped fighting sleep it over came me and won...

I was awoken by the sounds of Destiny's tiny cries but I felt like some how they were different and that's when the bed shifted and I felt Arthur get out of bed and pick her up. She calmed down and that's when I heard a tiny little voice say...


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