Arthur's POV

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        I lay beside Alex and stroked his hair softly as he slept; I began to drift off but suddenly I heard the downstairs door open so I slowly got up, so that I wouldn't disturb Alex's sleep.I groaned softly hoping that for Alex's sake that it was Destiny finally coming home; as I opened the bedroom door I heard something crasha nd a whispered curse soon followed. I stepped into the hallway and closed the door so that the sound of me dealing with whoever was downstairs wouldn't wake up Alex. I crept down the hallway silently and listened as the person downstairs was fumbling with something; I slowly and silently made my way down the stairs and peered around the corner and I was shocked to see Dylan standing in the kitchen instead of Destiny. At Dylans feet was the shattered remains of the vase that Destiny and I had gotten for Alex; I sighed softly.

"What are you doing here Dylan?"

        Dylan glared at me. I felt the air around the room shift and I felt a shiver trail down my back. 

"I came to see how Alex and my daughter are doing... I didn't expect to see my ex-lover in my boyfriends house though... What are you doing here is a better question for me to ask.''

        I looked uneasily at Dylan and and sighed and closed my eyes. A billion memories came to mind as I thought about our past together. Dylan and I had been secret lovers until his father had caught us together, then he banished Dylan to Earth and forced me to be his slave; he forced me to tell Dylan that I never actually loved him although I was secretly carrying his child.  Soon Dylans father got suspicious and I tried to run away and I did manage to get away and I had a cute baby boy and I named him Oliver... Dylans father came the next day and slaughtered our child and Dylan never even realized. I opened my eyes and looked at Dylan.

''Alex moved on just like I did. He got sick of running away and got sick of waiting for you to come home.''

        I felt my eyes go wide as I realized that I had just said that to Dylan. It was then that I realized that my eyes had began to water and there was warm tears running down my cheeks. Dylan growled softly and he moved closer to me, I could feel the anger radiating off of him and his face changed dramatically.

"Says the guy who never loved me in the first place! It was all a lie! I don't even know why you'd hide the fact that you had our child... Yes I do know that we had a baby and yes I know you named him Oliver.''

        I looked at Dylan shocked and startled because I had never seen him this angry before; I attempted to back away from him but I hit the kitchen wall and Dylan kept advancing.

''Dylan please stop... I loved you and Oli more than anything else in this world. You're father was the one that kept us apart and killed Oliver... I wanted us to be a family and for Oli to have a good life but that didn't happen and I'm sorry that I didn't die to save him... I'm just sorry. I'm sorry that I fell in love with Alex and I'm sorry that I took care of Destiny like she was my own but I just wanted what was best for them because they are my only family now...''

        I took a deep breath and waited for Dylan to explode with anger but instead he backed away and he stepped on the broken vase. I saw that Dylan had tears forming and that a couple fell down his cheek as he looked at me hurt.

''I can't believe you Arthur... thinking that you can just replace me... I may not have been there for Alex when he needed me the most but I was trying to ensure that the life i was going to provide for them was going to be the best that i could possibly do... Anyway if you're such a good replacement where is Alex and Destiny? Shouldn't you be one big happy family?"

        Now it was my turn to get angry... I growled softly and stoemed past Dylan to the kitchen door and opened it and pointed outside.

''Want to know where Destiny is... she ran away because Alex and I decided to tell her that I wasn't her biological father... Alex is laying upstairs because he is too weak to get out of bed and on top of all that you show up and then you act like the father of the year.

        Dylan's jaw dropped and that's when in the distance I saw a small figure walking towards the house. I gasped and ran out and saw that it was Destiny and I quickly dragged her into the house not caring that Dylan was standing in the kitchen with a shocked expression on his face. Destiny sat at the kitchen table and studied Dylan and then a smile crossed her face.

''You are my real father... i can feel the power around you and I can see that you are the true ruler of the Underworld.''

        Dylan suddenly came closer to me and i began to feel very light headed when he touched my cheek. I fell to the floor and the last thing I heard was Destiny's scream and then everything went black.

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