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Athea POV

OMG this hotel is killer bahd like its(PIC ON THE SIDE) ***FLAWLESS its like a Chinese hotel its nice and spacy I could live here my hole life , me and Anala got the two pent houses in the hotel.... I'm really mad that Larry has a hotel key to get in and out my room but right now he's just laying on the couch chillin

"So when are you going home" I ask not really meaning it

"Ohh you want me to go okii" he says getting up and walking to the door"

"NO......I mean stay my nigga from Paris"

"If you want me to go I go you need privacy"

"No I'm fine........stay I need some male entertainment" I say smiling

"Okii" he says looking at me while butting his lip

Lauent POV

I about to go get Anala from bus and take her to hotel and chill and talk.

As I walk across the street to get Anala from the bus I see her looking beautiful and bright as always... as she laughs with classmates my mind just goes into slow motion as she look at me and smile ohhhhh yessss she mine.

"Okii come belle"

"Ok lau lead the way"

After I (cant wait to use this room key) get my room key and her's we get to the hotel room and she just stands I front of the door lookn at the room

"You like belle"

"Ummmm ahhh I LOVE LAU thx you" she says giving me a kiss on the cheek"

"So belle tell me about you"

"Well okii , I love music , dance , and singing I was born in South Africa but grew up in the ATL and then when I got old enough I moved to Cali and I have a girl named Alexis but Alex for short OHHH and in a dog lover"

"I love your bio except for in a relationship part"

As she laughs at I hear monster's SuperPower play throw her phone so I know it must be a call

Anala POV

My ring tone plays which is Beyoncè's SuperPower {I LOVE BEYONCÈ ,my super hero} it's Althea.......


"Hello love / BESTFRAND"

"Hey you at the hotel" she says screaming

"Yassss bitch this place is balm"

"IKR wyd"

"Ummmm nothing with Lau wbu"

"Ohhhh kill em you with LauBoo and nothing LarBear wants to get something to eat do I think we are about to head out"

I see she already had nicknames for them

"Ok well have fun an plz don't give me any nieces or nephews plz"

"Lol ok bye"

End of concvo
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~that evening

Laurent's POV

So me and Anala decide to watch movies and eat room service and her thigh look soft so I lay on it .......it was soft....... Now I start to ask a certain and that when the convo started and got good.

Anala POV

WHEN HE LAD ON MY THIGH MY HORMONES WENT OFF!!!! But I had to keep calm and then he asks a question that I could talk about every day all day.

"So you like monster"

"No I don't like monster"

It gets quite and he puts a sad face while on my lap

"I LOVE monster / Beyoncè"

"Okii I was about to say bish wahhh" he says in his tryanna be American accent

"Lol" I say to him smile and laughing

"So what you like about Mrs.Carter"

"Ummmm a lot but I love that she's an example of a successful woman that can do anything in life as long as you work for it and that she can be a lady to the public but a freak at home and a example of a great mother to baby blue blue" I say smiling and getting excited

He starts to smile

"Oki oki I love her for the same thing as you but..........why you no have sex with a guy yet"

I almost choked on my spit

"Wohhhhh there boy what a crazy and good question ....but.um I have had a boyfriend before but somehow I just found a liking to girls more I feel like they understand me more"

"Okii so that mean you virgin"

I'm getting a little horny when he says that and have all these mixed emotions but I love Alex to space and back and nobody can break that bond that we have and had for 2 years now.

"Lol I guess do Mr.Bourgeois"

"Okii so when can I pop that cerise {cherry}"

I almost chocked when I felt a liquid come down my leg and I jump up and go to the bathroom to get all cleaned and freshened up and now I have a good idea in my head......

"Ummmm I have to go to the bathroom" I say jumping off the couch

" Hahah loto {bingo}"

"I heard that"

I SNEEK out the room to go get ice to put in a bowl and my idea is to get him back for saying that to me so im just gonna pour the ice on him when I get back to the room.....this is gonna be good I say to myself.

As I walk up the the couch where he was at I just pour the ice all over him and he was in shock and mad and sad in French

"Anala ce qui la baise pas avec vous que j'avais froid et que vous avez jeté sur moi ohhhh maintenant vous êtes vraiment faire maintenant (Anala what the fuck wrong with you that was cold and you threw that on me ohhhh now you're really getting it now)" he says really made at me and running after me


"what yes I can cause you threw ice at me" he says with a sad face

So he runs me to the bed and towers over me with his big brawd shoulders and know me on the bed and tickles me.

" ok ok lau stop im sorry"

"say louder so people next door can hear to"



As he stop tickling me e looks at me and we just stare at each other for like 10 minutes and then the unthinkable happens .......HE FUCKING KISSES ME ...........OHHH AND WIHT TOUGNE ..........

~~~~~~COMMENT&VOTE ~~~~~~IS ANALA WRONG FOR KISSEING LAU BACK~~~~~~~~DO YOU LIKE ALEX ~~~~~~~~~~~~~#teamlau or #teamalex

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