Two Lovers Meet

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Anala POV

*messages with larry*


Me~ hey you whats up

LarBear~ me okay what about Althea

Me~ummm I don't know she hasn't came out the room in since yesturday and she hasn't called nor text me

LarBear~should I go to her room

Me~hahaaa nigga you funny you can if you wanna get cha ass beat

LarBear~well I miss...

Me~tell you what ill go over there and see what shes going and txt you back love okii

LarBear~okii bye


OKay I feel so bad for Larry but he shouldn't have done what he did, as a girl if you get attached to a guy your feelings start to attached to so you really cant let him go.

Well Alex is in the room and im walking to Althea's....God I hope she's okay.

I go to Althea's hotel door and knock three times but no answer and than finally..................Alanah answers the door??

"hi" she says answering the door laughing "come on in"

"ummm am I in the wrong hotel room" I say looking back

"nope this is Altheas room"

I just notice something about this girl she doesn't sound French lol she must be from the states

"ummmm okay thx lol" I say walking to the kitchen and see Althea in just a thong and bra.....

"lana who was i-........."she say as she cuts herself off when she see's me

"well hey miss don't call me in a day , miss beat my cousin ass in the club, mis movin on" I say yelling

"Anala don't start with me im not in the mood" she says

"BITCH YOU IN THE MOOD TO BE WITH......" I say cutting myself off

"hi Alanah I didn't introduce myself properly im Anala Altheas BESTFRAND" I say shaking her hand

"hi....yeah I seen you at the club" she says

"mmmmhmmm lol" I say laughing

When I start to talk to Althea my phone rings its Alex.......

"hey babe come to Althea room across the hall thx bye" I say hanging up

"so have you talked to Lar-" I say as she cuts me off

"NO THE FUCK YOU THINK THIS IS" she says hanging me a plate of food and Alex walks in

"well well well......Althea nice to see you and who is this" alex says pointing to Alanah

"WHAT THE FUCK IS YOU DOING HERE NIGGA , and thats my bae Alanah" she says giving her a plate

"BISH WEHHH YOU BI OMG and I surprised Anala" she says looking at me

"Phhhhhhhhhhh (spits drink out) Omg does hemmhemm know" she say looking at me and I nod my head yes

"ohhh and Alex....idk I have to see where this thing goes between us" she say pecking Alanah on the lips

"mmmmm let me get some tho" Alex says talking about food

(my phone rings)


"Hey my love"lau say

"Heyyyyy" I say yelling

(" who is that " Altheas says)

"its Lau" I say smiling

("ohhh shit that's her bae")

"What can I help to with love" I say

"You suppose to come to my place"

"Ohhhh shit UMMM I'll be there in 20"

"Okii love bye"

*end of convo*

"Where are you going" Alex and Althea says together

"UMMM to Lau,s I'll be back" I say walking to the door

"Well we will go with you" Alex says

"Yeahhhhh we willll let me get se clothes on" Althea says walking to her bed

"LARRY GONNA BE THERE" I say yelling

"SO I DONT HAVE TO TALK TO HIM" she says yelling back

Ughhh well here we go......


Alex POV

Well we are going to this Lau guys house I am nervous about this because I don't know how he knows Anala and I must not be good.

When we get to the house it's a pretty nice BIG house it's like a all cream house or Mansion.....

When the door opens we see this tall muscular guy with a big Afro {kinda cute but not really}...

"Well bonjour ladies I'm Laurent but call me Lau" he says to us

"Hey Lau" the girl say together

"Yeah okay let's go in" I say

"And who are you" Lau says looking at me

"I'm ALEX Analas girl friend" I say walking past him

When I said that there was another Lau that came up to me and laughed in my face.

"What's so funny" I say

"Nothing belle your pretty" he says kissing my hand

"Tahhhhhh yeah right he says that to all girls" says Althea



When Anala walk in house I see all these woman I thought Anala just come but okii...

I was surprised to see Alex here....

"So Lau how do you know Anala" she says as everything got quite

"Ahha umm we meet in Cali" I say looking at her with lust

"Ohhhh but how" she

"We meet at a workshop or a dance studio" I say

"Ohhhh okii" she say sitting on the couch


Blake POV

I can't wait to see that bitch AGIAN it's gonna be good how can she walk in like that to me like HOW DARE SHE.

This time I see her it's WAR







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