Chapter 9

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Kellie stood glaring at Ed and his new wife. "Jenny was having abdominal pain. Matthew rushed her to the hospital. They have her in surgery." Olivia rubbed Ed's back as the worry filled his face. Matthew came in and walked over to Jen's family. "Anything yet?" He shook his head and took a seat. Kellie and Ed started talking and walked away leaving Olivia  behind. Olivia placed her hand on her protruding stomach and lowered herself into a seat next to Matt. "How are you doing?" She asks. He turned and looked at her with tears in his eyes. "I don't want to lose her, Olivia. I am so scared we are going to lose her." She leaned forward and hugged him. He cried into her shoulder and held him tightly as a mother should. "I know. Nothing is going to happen to our girl. I can feel it."

Kellie got a cup of coffee and turned to look at her ex-husband. "Why would you bring her here? This is a family matter!" The blonde yelled in his face. Ed took a step back and remembered why they got divorced. She was crazy. "Stop. This isn't about me and this sure as hell isn't about Liv.  This is about our daughter!" He hissed back, glaring down at her. Kellie took a deep breath and stomped off. She hated his new wife and would make that extremely clear. The 2 returned to find Matt and Olivia in a deep conversation. It looked like she got his mind off the emergency. Ed sat next to Olivia and put his hand on her thigh. She had her legs crossed and her body was facing Matt, but she acknowledged her husband by touching his hand. "My job isn't easy, no. But, it is worth it. The good outweighs the bad." She smiles at the younger man as he seemed thrilled listening to Olivia's story of being a cop. "Did you know Ed used to be the most hated man in the NYPD?" She smirks glancing over at him before continuing. "He was IAB so his job was to investigate people who were thought to be dirty cops. He even arrested me once." Matt's eyes went wide at the revelation. It always seemed like the Tuckers had a perfect marriage and have been together for years. "Really?" He asks and both of them nod. "I knew she was innocent the whole time." He commented smirking. Olivia mouthed a no and let out a hearty laugh. Ed squeezed her thigh and let a grin take over his face. He loved when Olivia laughed. It made him happy. A doctor opened the door with his scrub cap in his hand. Matt was the first up and over to him. "Ms.Tucker is stable. The placenta started moving from the wall and that is what caused the pain and the bleeding. The baby is fine. You may go in and see her. She is going to be on bed rest until the end of her pregnancy." Matt turned to the family and they all nodded for him to go. Olivia glanced at her husband and sighed. "Ed, why don't you go with him. You and Kellie. She needs you right now. I am going to drive home." She took the keys and kissed him softly. She turned around and headed out of the hospital to go home and see her little boy. 

Olivia and Noah were asleep in Noah's bed for naptime the next afternoon when he came home. Jennifer was discharged and he helped get them home. He was thankful the baby was okay but he was already sick of his ex-wife. He hated Olivia having to be around her. He gently woke his pregnant wife and helped her out of the toddler bed. They walked down to their bed and climbed in together. "When will he be up?" Ed asked stripping himself down to his boxers and an undershirt. "He just went down so about an hour ago. Sleep." She kissed his lips and got under the covers with him. He planned to sleep until Noah's nap was over and the family would spend the rest of the day together. 

Olivia quietly climbed out of bed and picked up her son who was standing in the doorway. "We are going to let Daddy sleep a little longer." She pulled the door shut and carried him into living room to play with his trains. There was a knock at the door and Olivia frowned, who could be at their door? She left Noah and checked the peep hole. Elizabeth was standing there. The brunette swung the door open and let the young girl in. "Hey sweetheart, what's up? Where is Alyssa?" She walked back around the couch to check on Noah and she followed. "Home. I just couldn't handle it anymore and she said you would let me stay here." Olivia frowned at the girl, her eyes probing her for more explaining. "Their mother. She is such a witch." The young girl exclaimed falling back on the chair. Olivia nodded approvingly of the girls choice of words around Noah. "All she has been doing since she arrived is complaining that Aly needs to settle down with a nice man and have some kids. And what does Aly do? Nothing! She just takes it!" Liz cried, throwing her hands over her face. Noah noticed she seemed distressed and climbed up on the couch with her. He put a truck in her hand and smiled. The girl laughed and thanked him. "Now they are all over at Jennifer's. I couldn't handle being with them. And, everyone seems so angry with you and Mr.Tucker. I don't get why. It's your life." Olivia wasn't at all taken back by the revelation. She knew the Tucker family wasn't happy they were having another baby. "They are all under a lot of stress right now. Let them cool off." She got the girl some water and smiled gratefully when Liz started playing trucks on the table with Noah. "Wh-why did you decide to now have a baby? If you don't mind me asking." Olivia waved off the nerves that were evident in her voice and smiled gently. "Ed and I wanted something that was purely us. Believe me when I tell you I love Noah with my whole heart." The older woman ran her hand over her sons head as he played with his little trucks he had an abundance of. "I had this feeling of something was missing. I feel this baby fills that. I have something biological." The red-headed woman smiled brightly, understanding the woman's thoughts. She would have to explain that to Alyssa and Jen. They needed to see that their step-mom wasn't the enemy. 

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