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The sharp sound of an alarm beeping pierced through the heavy silence within the room. It caused a certain bed-headed male to stir, his blankets wrapped tightly around himself like a cocoon, tossing around in his bed with a groan as he reached out to stop the annoying clock from further bothering him.

Kuroo felt cold all over the moment  his arm left the warm barrier known as the blankets. He snuggled against his pillows in search of more warmth, pulling his blankets tight around him.

"Urgh," the ravenette clicked his tongue. He felt sick. Literally sick, like head pounding, nose running, bone chilling kind of sick. His body felt like lead; every movement weighted tons, and his head hurt a lot.

This isn't good, Kuroo thought.

He cursed underneathe his breath, knowing full well that he can't be sick because today is the day they will go to Miyagi for a two-week long training camp with Karasuno. Its a four-school training camp, consisting of Nekoma, Karasuno, Fukurodani, and a school called Aoba Johsai that he has never heard of. Kuroo had been pretty excited to go. So excited, that he decided to stay the previous night and wait in the school gym for the next morning. He was serious about doing this until the guard kicked him out of the school. He was reluctant to leave, but left anyway. Unfortunately, the ravenette wasn't even halfway to his house when it started drizzling. Kuroo didn't mind the drizzle. Until the drizzle turned into a full-blown thunderstorm. The sky was basically shooting him with water pellets— it hurt. He had to run all the way home.

And now, the idiot's laying in bed, suffering the consequences of his stupidity.

It wasn't the best of ideas, I know, but did I really have to be sick?

Kuroo cracked his eyes open, searching for the alarm clock on his bed-side table. Upon finding it face-down on the surface of the table, he painstakingly took it and checked the time.

Its 4:15 am... I still have time to get ready.

The ravenette then slowly pushed himself up to a sitting position. He stood up far too quickly, causing his head to spin. A wave of dizziness hit him like a truck, sending him collapsing back on his bed.

Nooooo, I can't be sick! I need to be on that practice match! I want to know that Seijoh school!

With this thought in mind, Kuroo once again tried to stand, slowly this time, and made his way to the bathroom to take a bath.


"Heyyyyy, has anyone seen Kuroo?" Taketora asked, his eyes darting around in search of their captain who was nowhere to be seen.

Yaku crossed his arms. "Where's that idiot? We only have a few minutes left!"

"Maybe he overslept? I heard he stayed here last night so he'll be the first one to board the bus." Lev said with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Where is he now then? That overexcited bastard. He's holding us back!" Yaku said, impatiently tapping his foot on the ground. Almost everyone has arrived, except for Kuroo and Inouka. Soon enough, the latter had arrived too.

"That's it, we're leaving. Everyone, get on board."

"But Yaku-san, Kuroo-senpai—"

"Is still not here. Its already 5:30 am, we were supposed to leave at 5:00. We've waited long enough— this bus is leaving with or without him."

Yaku's strict and menacing tone caused everyone to fall silent. They all obeyed, seeing that Yaku's peobably on his man period.

Kenma looked up from his game, looking around to see if Kuroo had arrived yet. He hasn't.

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