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Kuroo awoke a few hours later. His head hurt less, thankfully, but he still felt cold all over. So much that the blankets wrapped around him weren't enough and needs more.

"Urgh, mom," the bed headed male drawled out, voice groggy and heavy from sleep. When he received no answer, he just curled in more to himself to at least preserve some body heat that the room seemingly eats up. God, why was it so damn cold?

The technique didn't really work, and Kuroo got tired of holding the position, so he just gave up. Somehow, it made sense that if he dose himself in the cold long enough, his body might get used to the temperature. He did just that, but there was nothing else he could feel but the cold biting at his skin. Kuroo, mind hazy with sleep, weighed the pros and cons of testing his theory, but he soon realized that if he stayed like that any longer, he might just literally feel nothing— he's fucking freezing.

The ravenette pushed himself up on a sitting position, his arms trembling as he put his weight on them. He cracked his eyes open while doing so, and he was surprised to see that it has gotten dark outside. He could barely see anything 5 feet away from him with how dark the room was. His door also lacked the small sliver of light seeping through the gap under it, which means that he's still alone in the house.

Kuroo stood up, ignoring the protests of his knees that threatens to give in under his weight, and focused instead on navigating his way through the dark. His eyes were barely open. He felt really dizzy, but the ravenette decided to push it aside and began walking towards where his light switch was. Kuroo felt along the wall, bumping and knocking over some of his things along the way— he could deal with them later— before finally arriving to his door, where the switch was. Upon feeling the the plastic under his fingers, Kuroo immediately turned on the lights.

Turns out, it was a bad idea. He wasn't ready when brightness suddenly assaulted his eyes. Everything turned white in an eye blink; leaving him surprised, brain-whacked, and blind. He wasn't able to stop himself from toppling over as another wave of dizziness hit him.

And so, Kuroo sat by his door, head against the wall with his blanket wrapped around him like a cocoon, groaning as pain throbbed through his right hip. He fell on it, and it hurts like hell.

What did I ever do to deserve this?

As the ravenette slowly regained his senses, he deliberately opened his eyes, wary of the light as if it would bite him if he didn't approach it carefully. He let his eyes adjust to his surroundings before pushing himself up yet again, pausing to let the dizziness pass before going to the thermostat. As he fumbled with the switches, Kuroo felt himself relaxing upon feeling the warmth hitting his skin. It was like having a hot bath after getting sunk in a freezing lake.

The ravenette stayed for a few moments, until he decided that he's warm enough and exited his room with the blanket still wrapped around him. His body felt like lead, but he managed. He turned on every light switch that he passed by as he made his way to the kitchen. The ravenette still felt like shit, but he found amusement in admiring how the blankets waved behind him like a cape.

I feel like Elsa.

He knew it was childish; he didn't care though. Nobody's gonna see him anyway, so he's safe.

Kuroo went to the kitchen, humming 'Let it Go' under his breath as he opened the fridge. He grimaced, the cold fridge air hitting him like a slap. Before he knew it, he sneezed, and snot was dripping from his nose.

"Uuugh," he reached above the fridge for a tissue, wiping away the disgusting... Fluid.

Kuroo sat down on the kitchen counter with a scowl on his face. He was sniffling all the while.

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