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Kenma woke up way too early the next morning. And of course, like how "I woke up around 3 am" experiences goes, he wasn't able to go back to sleep. The sun still wasn't up by the time he gathered up enough will power to sneak into the bathroom to fix himself. It was utterly quiet in the hallways. Unlike inside their room where he can hear his teammates' quiet snored and the temperature is bearable, the air outside is so cold. Even the water— he was practically freezing. So much that he almost gave up trying to take a shower after he remembered that he's not at home, and there is no heater.

The blonde eventually talked himself into showering, came out with clattering teeth, and dressed up as fast as he could. He was standing by the sink in the bathroom as he did so, rubbing his hands together for some warmth as he stared at his shivering self in the mirror. God, he looks so weak there, shaking like a leaf, with his twig like arms looking more twig like in his baggy clothes. Maybe he should really eat more. Or dress up with tighter clothes or something. That would at least make him look a little more decently dressed.

Kenma was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the door open. It was an understatement if he said he was surprised. He was startled, scared halfway to death because wasn't he alone? He should've heard someone approaching if he wasn't since the walls are not that thick.

Relief flooded him when Kenma saw that it was just Akaashi, and not some ghost or mad killer that he'll have to fight off like how you see in movies and games. Even if he had seen the same scene happen countless of times, he's not ready if it happened to him in real life.

Akaashi seemed startled himself when he saw Kenma by the sink. Well, at least they both got scared. Scared of each other. What dorks.

"Oh, it's you," Akaashi said outloud, his expression softening into that of acknowledgement. Kenma gave him a subtle nod.


"Oh, I, uh... Hi."

Kenma looked down at the clothes the other boy was holding. "Are you gonna take a shower too?"

"Yes. I usually take showers this early so I don't have to rush," the ravenette explained as he went over to a bench and untied his shoes. He raised a curious brow at Kenma. "That the same thing you're here for?"

"I just finished," the blonde mumbled back. Akaashi just nodded in response, knowing the other setter's personality enough to know that he isn't too fond of talking.

A comfortable silence settled in the bathroom as both boys busied themselves. Akaashi stepped under a shower head as Kenma collected his things. He decided to wait for the other male, sitting down on the bench and taking his phone out. It was too early to call Kuroo, or even his parents. Not that he was planning to in the first place. They might want to hear from him, but he doesn't think they're up at this time. Kenma decided he'll call them later.

The blonde settled on playing Snake vs Block since he got nothing better to do. At least it'll make waiting bearable, even if only for just a bit.

Akaashi eventually finished and was dressed up in a few minutes. The ravenette was still towel drying his hair when he called Kenma. They left the shower room, proceeding to their own rooms that were both just across each other. Kenma put his things back in his bag before he met with Akaashi outside.

The two wandered around in the building, and Kenma brought Akaashi to where he and Lev sat the night before. He found the place nice since he could see over the Seijoh school grounds. Akaashi doesn't seem to mind— probably liked it even. They just sat there, watching a few people come in and out of the entrance below. It was quiet, just like how they liked it.

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