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Its been hours.

Well, 2 hours, specifically. But to Kenma, it felt like forever. Looking outside, he could see the familiar buildings that they passed by the first time Nekoma had a practice match against Karasuno. It only indicates there would only be a few minutes left of the bus ride.

The thought gave Kenma a sense of relief, knowing that it won't be long before he'll be off the damned bus. He spent two thirds of the of the time in it doubled over, clutching his hurting stomach caused by the rumbling and shaking of the bus. But, no matter what his body insisted, Kenma refused to throw up. He never really identified as a motion sick person, so its pretty new.

Its got to be the breakfast, Kenma thought to himself. Curse that rushed breakfast.

Earlier this morning, he had been in a rush to leave home. He missed his first alarm, and he would be late if he doesn't hurry. Right now, he was regretting ever rushing his breakfast. If there was something Kenma hated to do, it was puking. It scares him- how he loses control of his own body as his stomach forces out his partially digested food. He hated the feeling of being suffocated as bile rises up his throat and stomach acid burns his insides. One hellish experience in his childhood was enough to forever traumatize him. He'd rather sit through this mild and not-worth-it stomach ache rather than suffer through throwing up again.

Kenma held a hand over his mouth to stop himself from heaving. Terror crept up his spine as the familiar feeling of his insides churning. He held in a vice-like grip in his hand the plastic bag Yaku had given him earlier, just in case he actually throws up. And it's taking everything in his power not to.

"Kenma-san, are sure you're alright? I honestly think throwing up will make you feel a lot better..."

The blonde shook his head aggressively. No way, he thought to himself. I can wait until the bus stops moving. It'll go away after that. Hopefully.

Kenma sure wishes that the bus stops soon.

And, as if his wishes were granted, he could hear the mindless chattering of loud students from outside, the noise gradually rising in volume as the bus approaches its destination.

Once the vehicle had pulled up to a stop, Kenma had never stood up so fast in his life. He trudged down the middle aisle as if his life depended on it, the other members of the team only looking on in disbelief and concern.

Wrong move. He moved too fast, his stomach flipping over.

As the blonde exits the bus, he slams the door open, scaring the people who were gonna go and greet the Nekoma team.

Kenma's eyes darted frantically over the expanse of unfamiliar school grounds. He ignored all the curious stares sent his way, his gaze locking onto that one lone tree standing a few feet away.

Oh fuck.

Kenma could feel his mouth filling with saliva. His stomach lurched as he desperately tried to make it to the tree.

"KENMA!" The blonde wasn't able to reply to the familiar loud voice of a certain orange head as his stomach decided to betray him.

And he heaved.

He retched, his hand leaning against the bark of the tree. Spilling on the ground were his breakfast; the smell of the bile was disgusting enough, and the more he keeps his watering eyes open to the disgusting sight, the more he feels nauseous. He retched again, and again, expelling his stomach's contents until his throat burned and he couldn't do anymore.

Kenma wiped the residue away from his mouth as he took wobbly steps backwards. What a shitty way to start the away camp. The more reason he should've just stayed at home and tend to Kuroo or something.

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