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It was night time, and Kenma was exhausted. They had just finished playing against Fukurodani, and it seems that Bokuto still had a lot of energy. He obviously doesn't plan to lose. Could you imagine Kenma rolling his eyes?

The blonde shook his head, towel drying it as he had just finished taking a shower. Someone told him once that it was bad to take a shower right after sweating, he just can't remember who. Honestly, he doesn't even care right now. He just wants to go to bed.

Kenma plopped down on his futon. He opened his phone, checking on his notifs. So far, he missed a call from Kuroo around half an hour ago. It's 9:00 pm.

He might be asleep, the blonde thought to himself. He shrugged, and scrolled down to his mom's contact and pressed dial.


He smiled. "Hi, mom."

"How are you? How's the practice going? You didn't call me earlier, I told you to call me early."

"I'm doing fine, and sorry I wasn't able to call. I kinda... Forgot?"

"Tch, don't forget next time? You gotta update me every time you can, I can't look after you right now. And with Tetsurou not there, all the more reason for you to call."

Kenma sighed. "Mom, you speak as if I can't take care of myself. I'm not a kid anymore mom, don't worry too much about me."

"I can't blame me, you're my only son. My baby, my cute little prince, my—"

"Okay, mom, I get it, I get it. Please, stop."

"I love you~ and why are you still awake? You should rest!"

"I was about to, I just called to—"

"No, no! Go to sleep now, and don't even try and play your games Kenma. There's a reason why I didn't want you to bring your gadgets, darling."

"I won't mom, but—"

"No buts, go to sleep! I'm hanging up now, love you!"

Kenma was left with his mouth gaping open as beeps resounded from the other line. He shook his head, smiling to himself. God, he love his mom. Not only was she really caring, she was also accepting of his sexuality. She supports his relationship with Kuroo; she trusts them. Kenma was thankful for her.

A yawn escaped from his lips as his teammates come entering the room still sweaty and not showered. Kenma scrunched his nose up in distaste. How can they not shower? He could smell them from where he sits.

Kenma sighed, laying down on his bed. As long as they don't approach him smelling like that, they don't need to worry about anything.

The blonde tried to fall asleep, being exhausted as hell. But he tossed and he turned, and he couldn't. He ended up thinking about his day— the matches, Akaashi, his shoe that came untied, Kunimi, their breaks, Tsukishima.


Kenma sighed. It just so happened that Kunimi and Tsukishima was pretty close (the closest they can get is agreeing with each other's opinions) and they ended up being a group of four during lunch and dinner. They all shared the same table, contradicting what Kenma told himself earlier. It turns out that Kenma doesn't really mind. The intimidation he felt from Tsukishima was actually just temporary as he got to sit with the boy. He wasn't that bad— seems pretty chill since all the tall male really did was to use his phone and listen to music. He talked with them every now and then, but that's all. Kenma just misjudged him. Tsukishima's a chill person—- he likes him.

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