Chapter 14

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The two sat on Jimin's sofa watching TV whilst cuddling. They didn't exchange many words but took comfort in each other's presence alone.

"Say Yoongi," Jimin began lifting his head up slightly, "you left a real bruise on Baekhyun that time, have you fought before?"

Yoongi pouted slightly as he thought, and let out a quiet sigh. "Yeah. I didn't think you'd figure it out."


"So?" Jimin asked.

"So what?" Yoongi questioned back.

"Tell me about your past."

Yoongi nodded slowly.

"I grew up in Daegu with my parents and my brother. We didn't have much money and if the family business wasn't going too well then sometimes we'd go hungry but apart from that pretty average.

But then one day it all changed. My dad became ill so he couldn't work and my family was forced to take out loans from dodgy people so we wouldn't starve. Still, we continued to make no money so when they asked for the money back of course, we couldn't give it to them. This was when I was about 14."

He paused momentarily.

"One day, one of the loan people came to our house. They broke the door, trashed the place and threatened my parents. While I was scared in the corner, my brother stood up and punched the guy out cold and left him in a back alley somewhere. I felt so... So proud to have such a strong big brother looking after me.

But when my brother was going to find work one day, the loan people, they..they attacked him. He tried to fight back but there were more of them and they had weapons. I came looking for him and saw him trying to wrestle a gun from the guys hand. I went to yell, do something, anything. But..i couldn't..he shot him....and it shocked me into silence...I couldn't do anything- I couldn't--"

By this point tears were pouring from his eyes and his voice cracked before he could finish. Jimin hugged him tightly, also crying softly just from hearing the pain Yoongi had to go through. No young boy, no person, should have to deal with that.

After a few minutes Yoongi wiped his eyes and continued.

"A few months later, my dad died. His life insurance payed out so we could pay the loan people back. We still didn't have much money.. But it was slightly better. I thought that, if I was stronger, maybe I could've done something and maybe my brother would still be alive. I got in with a bad crowd, hung around the streets, got into fights and stuff like that.

When I saw him standing over you like that it just reminded me of how that guy pointed the gun at my brother. I don't want to lose you Jiminie..." He whispered the last part, pulling his boyfriend closer, protectively.

" a thug like you opening a cafe huh?" Jimin asked with a smile, wiping Yoongi's cheeks with his thumbs. "How did that happen?"

"I knew I wouldn't be able to go to university or anything like that. I couldn't stay in Daegu anymore, it was painful. I moved to Seoul and started my own business, that way I was responsible for me and only me, I wouldn't have to worry about employing other people or other people having to protect me. I just wanted a peaceful life. You sure messed that up, huh Jiminie?" He chuckled.

"Hm, its a good thing though, right?" Asked the younger.

"Of course." Replied the mint haired one with a smile. "I promise to protect you with my life Jimin. I promise." He held out his little finger and Jimin wrapped his around it with a warm grin. "I promise to not get into any stupid situations that require you to have to protect me with your life."

They both laughed.

"So? How about your past?" Yoongi asked, leaning his head on Jimin's shoulder.

"Me? was pretty average I guess. I grew up in Busan with my parents, went to school and then came here to study. That's it really." He recalled with a pout.

"Wow that's pretty normal. Still, I'd give anything to have a life like that. Any interesting experiences?" Replied the older curiously.

"Hmm...nope, don't think so."

"Wow" Yoongi laughed. "Okay how about we play a game. We take turns asking each other questions, how about that?" The younger nodded. "Sure."

"Okay I'll go first. What's your favourite flavour of ice cream?" Asked the older.

"Mint of course." Answered the younger, stroking his boyfriends hair with a fond smile.

"Okay, do you ship Taekook?"

"Who doesn't?! They should get together already they're not fooling anyone." Jimin laughed. "I know right, your turn."

"Hmmm..." Thought the older.

"Are you a virgin?"

"HAH?!" The younger yelped in shock. Yoongi laughed at his reaction. "So are you?"

"Y-yes..." Jimin muttered with a blush covering most of his face. "Are you?" He reflected the question back.

"Why don't you come over here and find out?" Yoongi suggested with a sly smile and a wink.

"Hah, I don't think so, in your dreams! We've barely been together a month do I look like a hoe?" Retorted Jimin with a growing blush.

"No but you act like one"

The younger slapped Yoongi's shoulder with a laugh.

Jimin took his phone out of his pocket and checked the time.

"It's getting late you should probably leave soon, after all, people aren't allowed to stay after 6pm" he explained with a small sigh.

Yoongi hugged him possessively and rested his head on Jimin's shoulder.

"You could just stay at mine and I could drop you off here in the morning. Or I could stay here if you like? I don't want to leave you." The older asked with a pout.

"I have English homework to do, and I don't want you being thrown out of here or anything." The younger replied with a soft smile.

"I can help you with English!"

Jimin laughed. "Really? English? You?"

"Yeah! Come on, just for 30 minutes?" Pleaded the older.

"Okay then"

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