Chapter 21

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Jimin rested his cheek on his hand as he stared out the window, watching the scenery as it passed by. He was silent and motionless, apart from the bumping of the train, but inside his mind was racing.

He came to the conclusion that he couldn't stay in Seoul with Yoongi and the others for a short while. He needed time.

After giving his heart to someone for the first time, he was sure it would be cared for: but here he was, broken. He needed to learn to love himself before he could even think about learning to love someone else again.

But of course he still loved Yoongi. No matter what happened he wouldn't stop loving the dork; and that's why it hurt so much.

Next stop: Busan Station rang the voice of the intercom.

Jimin sat up and pulled his jumper sleeves down to brace for the cold air outside. His impromptu departure meant he didn't have much with him apart from his phone and wallet. After assuring that he had all of his belongings, the boy walked outside.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The door clicked shut as Jin entered the house, ready for the intense day of interrogation ahead. Namjoon jogged down the stairs and walked over to his boyfriend, giving him a hug.

"Is everything okay?" He asked quietly.

Jin closed his eyes as he replied.

"For now. But we need to sort this out."

Namjoon gestured to the kitchen and lead Jin by the hand into it. After catching sight of Yoongi sitting at the table with a cup of coffee in his hands, Jin took a deep breath and sat opposite him.

"Hey." He began. Nice one Seokjin, you really nailed it.

"I'm sorry for hitting you yesterday."

The mint haired boy still refused to meet his gaze.

"Look Yoongi. I've known you for years and I've never seen you love someone like you've loved Jimin. So-"

"If you came here to blame me then leave it. I don't need it right now." Yoongi interrupted.

"Let me finish." Jin stated impatiently. "I know you would never hurt Jimin like that. That's not the kind of person you are. So tell me, what happened?"

Yoongi finally looked up from the cup and met eyes with Jin.

"I don't really know." He began. "We were just drinking and talking like we always have. I went to the backroom to meet Jimin and Hoseok followed me. We waited for a short while and then he began talking to me."

"Yoongi?" Hoseok spoke up.
"Hm? What is it?" The other boy replied.
"L-look I need to tell you something. If I don't do it now I don't know when I can." Yoongi raised an eyebrow as Hoseok shifted his weight from side to side.
"Yoongi..I-I" he stuttered, looking at the ground.
Suddenly, he looked up and leant forward quickly, pushing his lips onto Yoongi's. The door clicked quietly.

Yoongi's muffled protests couldn't be heard over the sound of Jimin slamming the door behind him.

"Jimin-!" He called out, pushing Hoseok away.

Giving his friend a quick glare, he left the room.

"So that's what happened." Yoongi finished.

"Hm. I believe you. I guess the question now is...what do we do about Hoseok?"

The three paused in thought.

As if on cue, the aforementioned boy stepped into the kitchen with silent footsteps, before standing still.

"Hey." Jin began.

"Hey.." Hoseok replied.

Yoongi again didn't look up from his cup.

Hoseok sighed quietly and stepped closer.

"Yoongi I'm sorry."

"Is that all you have to say?" The other replied sternly.


"I'm sorry. I know what I did was wrong but...I don't regret it."

The scraping of chair on tile could be heard as Yoongi stood up and stepped closer to Hoseok.

"Don't regret it? You could have ruined my relationship with Jimin and that's what you have to say? I thought you were my friend!" He yelled, stepping a bit closer.

"I-I am! But Yoongi..I don't want to be your friend anymore. I...I love you."

The room went extremely silent.

"....for how long?" Yoongi asked in a whisper.

When no reply came, he shook his head and left the room.

"Wait-" Hoseok attempted to call out but was silenced by the slamming of the door.

Tears began to fall from his eyes silently as he closed them and covered his face with his hands.

Jin let out a small sigh.

"Hoseok.." Namjoon began. "Do you...really love Yoongi?"

The boy removed his hands from his face and gave a small nod.

What a disaster this was.

"... I've ruined everything." He whispered before leaving the room and running upstairs.

"Ugh..." Jin uttered, taking a bite of his toast whilst rubbing his temples.

"I don't know what to do. Jimin feels awful, Yoongi is angry and of course there's Hoseok. I know that he did something awful but...clearly he meant what he said and we can't hate him for being honest." He explained.

"Maybe we should leave him alone right now, space might be what he needs. He can figure out his feelings and when Jimin comes back, he can apologise." Namjoon suggested.

"Yeah." Jin rested his head on Namjoons shoulder and sighed. "I hope Jimin is okay."

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