Chapter 31

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Yoongi decided to join them and the three sat on the sofa and watched Naruto like the trash that they are.

The oldest turned his phone on and immediately dozens of notifications flooded the screen, causing him to sigh and throw it to the side.

"You've had your phone turned off all this time? No wonder you didnt answer my messages." Jungkook pointed out.

"Yeah, I knew this would happen if I turned it off but maybe that wasn't such a great idea." He admitted.

"Here I'll check it since you're so lazy." Jimin offered, grabbing the phone.

23 messages
Jungkook: hey
Jungkook: is Jimin okay
Jungkook: hyung where are you

Amongst the tonnes of messages one in particular caught his eye. It was from an unknown number.

I'm watching you still

His eyes widened after reading it. A few quick looks through the message history and he could see that it wasn't the first time a creepy message came from the unknown number.

A new notification popped up, snapping him out of his trance.

I can see you Park Jimin.

His heart began to beat faster as he glanced around. The curtains were did the person know he was there?

It couldn't be someone living in the house, not even they would go that far.

Are you having fun Jimin?

He bit his lip as another message popped up. Eventually he worked up the courage to reply.

Who are you?

The 'typing' notification popped up.

It doesn't matter. How are you Jimin? And how's Jungkook? He seems to be enjoying anime a little more than the average adult should.

Jimin glanced to see Jungkook smiling enthusiastically at the tv.

Leave him out of this. What do you want from us?

By this point he was more than paranoid.

Don't worry about it. You should probably give your boyfriend his phone back, you're beginning to look suspicious. We'll meet soon. We can talk then.

Jimin quickly looked up to see Yoongi still fairly focused on the tv. He deleted the messages and switched the phone off, throwing it to the side.

"Thanks~" The older chimed, taking his phone and putting it into his pocket.

"Ah it's fine." Jimin replied in a slightly shaky voice. Yoongi raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Are you cold? Come over here, do you wanna watch tv?"

"No...I'm not really in the mood for Naruto right now.  I think I'll go to sleep, I'm kind of tired."

"Its only 8:30...are you sure you're alright?" Yoongi asked, frowning.

"Yeah I just need some sleep. Good night~" He gave a fake smile and wandered upstairs.

Flopping on to the bed, he pulled the covers over his head and sighed.

Why didn't Yoongi tell him in the first place that he was getting threatening messages? Was he really that worried?

Jimin rubbed his face and slapped his cheeks. I have university tomorrow I don't have time to be worrying right now.

And with that, he went to sleep.


"Hey Jimin."

The boy turned around to see his boyfriend approaching, car keys in hand. "Can I take you to class?"

Jimin was about to open his mouth to refuse but, remembering the phone conversation yesterday, decided to give in.

The two drove to the university and got out of the car. Jimin was about to thank Yoongi and walk to class, but instead his hand was grabbed.

"You really think that I'm letting you walk alone?"

Jimin let out a small sigh.

"Yoongi I know I'm not exactly strong but I'm not a schoolgirl. Im capable of walking to class alone. If you're worried about the me-"

He quickly stopped himself. If Yoongi knew about Jimin reading the messages he would just worry, and he might get a little angry.

"Uh..I mean...if you're worried about me...then I guess I'll let you come."

The older raised an eyebrow but shook it off. "With pleasure." He swung an arm around Jimin's small waist and lead him forward with a proud smile.

"Yoongi..." Jimin muttered. He wasn't sure if it was a warning or just out of shock.

"Ah Jimin.." Yoongi spoke up suddenly. "I don't know where we're meant to be going."

The younger scoffed and hit him in the chest.

"Come on, it's this way." He directed, putting his hand on the small of Yoongi's back. The two shortly reached the classroom and just as Jimin was about to go inside, Yoongi grabbed him by the wrist.

"Do you want me to pick you up?"

Jimin gave a small smile. "I'll be okay, after all I'll probably be with Tae and Kookie." Yoongi gave a small nod but didn't let go of the younger's wrist.

"....?" Jimin blinked in confusion. "I'll head inside then..."

"Wait Jimin." The younger turned around.

The older pulled Jimin closer, one hand on the neck, one hand on the back, and connected their lips firmly. The younger stood awkwardly, flushed. A few people inside the classroom were muttering and Jimin could sense that it was about him.

The older pulled back and planted a quick peck on his cheek.

"Love you."

Jimin couldn't bring himself to reply immediately with the judgement eminating from behind him.

"Yeah...l-love you too."

Yoongi gave a contented smile and walked away. Jimin quickly walked into class and took his seat next to Jungkook, still flustered.

The younger didn't say anything but simply sniggered along with Taehyung.


After class, Jimin grabbed his stuff and walked outside, happy to be in the fresh morning air.

As he strolled to his dorm, a person stood in front of him and blocked his path. He attempted to swerve around the person but they stepped to the side, causing him to come to a ragged halt.

"Hey, do you mind?" Jimin asked, slightly frustrated.

The person looked down and suddenly Jimin felt a little more scared.

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