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DAY 2-war

DAY 3-tears

DAY 4-protect

DAY 5-summer

DAY 6-falling

DAY 7-father


This war had been going on for days now, plenty of his Nakama were wounded, some on their deathbeds and Laxus was sick of it. Makarov had died months ago and he had taken over his responsibilities as guild master of Fairy Tail. Way back when Laxus had been banished from the guild he had gone dark guild hunting, trying to repent for what he had done. Laxus too out as many guilds as he could in his time away, he beat all of them into the ground...all except one. And now it was coming back to bite him in the ass.

The guild had attacked suddenly, causing the guild hall to be destroyed in an instant. The only reason the slower members got out alive was due to Jet's unbeatable speed. Laxus had become irate as soon as they had gone for the guild. No one was going to touch his Nakama, especially not because he had screwed up in his not so distant past. Laxus was a fiercely protective man, especially due to his wife being 7 months pregnant with their second child, their soon to be the eldest son Yuri no more than the age of 2.

Laxus walked to the middle of the battlefield, his strongest that were able to stand alongside him, Erza, Gajeel, and Mirajane on one side. The Raijinshuu, Natsu, and Gray on the other. They walked with fake confidence towards the guild master and his lackeys.

Laxus suddenly froze, panicked as he looked over at Gajeel and Natsu who had frozen also.

"Do you smell that?" Laxus mumbles as his eyes snapped to the guild master who had a proud smirk on his face. The man waved his hand motioning one of his lackeys to turn around and grab someone from behind him. Everyone's breath caught in their throat as the man took a rough hold of the woman's throat. The woman's hair was caked with dirt and blood, her original hair color now indistinguishable. The only way Laxus and the others were able to recognize her was due to her sweet vanilla and strawberry scent and the large baby bump that the seeming half dead woman wrapped her arms around as if her life depended on it.

Lightning crackled dangerously around the guild members, as Laxus's anger flared around him dangerously as a scale life design flowed up his cheeks. Laxus had sent Lucy away as soon as he heard that the guild was going to start a war. Lucy was unable to use her magic due to their daughter growing inside, especially after Porlyusica comforted that their child would be a dragon slayer due to the constant drain of her magic.

"I suggest if you like life, you let my wife go," Laxus growls he takes a step towards the man, the others right behind him.

"Ah ah ah," the man says with a smirk as he takes a knife out of his pocket, picking Lucy up by her hair and holding it to her stomach causing her to whimper. " I'd think that you want them alive."

Laxus freezes in place, his glare holding the possibility of piercing through someone's soul. "I swear on Mavis is you hurt either one of them I will personally tear you limb from limb," he growls, his feet still planted in place out of fear for his wife.

"I would think that I would be the last person that you would want to threaten" he purrs, running his hands through her hair causing her to spit out blood at his feet.

"It seems like you married a feisty one" the man purrs before kicking Lucy in the side, just above her stomach. Lucy cried out in pain, her ribs making an audible crack as she starts to fall down to her knees, only stopped by the hand that was wrapped tightly in her hair.

Laxus's anger quickly reached it's peak as his magic surrounded the whole field, causing any metal around to spark, shocking the holder. Gajeel planted his feet firmly in the ground, learning that after his first interaction with Laxus that he would need to do so to avoid getting shocked.

Laxus took this opportunity in stride as he saw the guild master drop his knife with a yelp, releasing his grip on lucy's head as he shook his hand, trying to air out the smoke that now came from it. He quickly teleported his way over to the guild master, grabbing Lucy before teleporting back behind Erza.

"Take her home, Laxus. We can do this," Mira says as she quickly turns into her Sitri satan soul, one that they counted the strongest in her collection.

Laxus nodded quickly, not wanting to waste time. He looked at his team, silently wishing them luck before teleporting to the makeshift camp that the guild had created in the woods.

"Lucy?!"Wendy yells as she makes her way over to the girl who was held limply in Laxus's arms. "I thought that you sent her way!" Wendy yells as she holder her hands over Lucy's stomach first.

"I did dammit!" He snaps, looking at Wendy worriedly.

"The baby is gonna be fine, he didn't hit her stomach, she protected it fiercely," Wendy sais before holding her hands above her, scanning over her body. "Broken ribs, a bit of whiplash, that's all I can see, though," She says as a blue light emanates from her as she tends to her broken ribs.

"Thank you, Wendy.." Laxus mumbles, running his hands through her hair, the usual blonde shine that he had grown to love gone to the dirt and grime.

"La..laxus..," Lucy mumbles, wincing slightly as she moves to sit up in his arms.

"Yeah Lucy I'm here," he says as he eases her back, stopping her from moving around.

"D..did we win?" she asked quietly as her brilliant brown eyes stared into his chilling gray ones.

Laxus chuckled quietly as he smiled at her, having full faith in his team and the others. "You get held hostage, and the first thing you worry about is if we win?" Laxus teases. "Yeah, Luce we won...we'll always win."

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