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DAY 4-protect

DAY 5-summer

DAY 6-falling

DAY 7-father


"Layla please come out of the bathroom and talk to me..," Lucy says as she sits against the door, listening to her daughter's heartbreaking sobs.

"Leave me alone!" She yelled through the door, attracting the attention of her brother and father.

"Luce what on earth?" Laxus asks quietly as he looks at his wife, her head in her hands as she shrugs defeatedly.

"Can you please try to get her out of there? She's been crying for about an hour now."

Laxus and Yuri both straighten up immediately, their eyes now glued to the door. The men were fiercely protective of the women the Dreyar house and it was now a known fact that if you messed with the Dreyar women, that you then messed with the men.

"Dad...can I try to talk to her?" Yuri asks quietly. Yuri had always been a calm boy, neither of his parents knowing where it came from, though as soon as it came to his little sister or his mother he was a spitting image of his father, lightning and all.

Laxus looks between the door and his son before nodding, knowing how close the two were. They had been joined at the hip ever since they were old enough to acknowledge each other.

"You come get us if you need us," Laxus says as he offers his hand to his wife who takes it graciously. Lucy gives her son a kiss on the forehead, wishing him luck before walking back into their room.

Yuri was going to need all the luck he could get. Ever since she was born Layla had the men of the house around her finger, especially her father. She was slightly spoiled but well raised. The only bad thing about her was that she had inherited her mother's attitude and spunk.

"Layla..." Yuri says softly as he turns the doorknob slightly, not surprised to see that it was locked.

"Fuck off Yuri..." Layla mumbles through her sobs that were once again steadily increasing.

Yuri would have normally shot back with a rude response but due to the situation she was in he bit his tongue. "Layla please..come least tell me what happened.." Yuri pleads as he leans against the door to hopefully hear her better. His mother had made sure to get thick doors around the house due to the dragon slayers intense hearing and their nosy nature.

"Blayze..." she mumbles through her sobs.

"What do you mean Blayze!" Yuri yells through the door. Natsu's son Blayze had been attached to Layla for as long as anyone could remember, she even took her first mission with him. He was a nice boy and all, but Yuri saw how the young boy's eyes would occasionally wander. "I swear to Mavis, Layla I'm gonna beat his ass if he did something," Yuri growls.

"No! He didn't do's just..I hurt him..." Layla says as her sobs pour out from the bathroom.

Yuri sat there shocked, knowing that Layla wouldn't hurt anybody on purpose unless they were an enemy. " What happened?.." He asks quietly as he jiggles the door handle for a minute.

Layla takes the hint and slowly opens the door, looking at her bother with her now bloodshot eyes before she throws herself into his arms.

" know how I have both mom and dad's magic right?" Layla mumbles into his chest. Layla had been the anomaly of the dragon slayers children, including Natsu's and Gajeel's. Layla had inherited her mothers Celestial magic and her father's lightning dragon slayer magic, though not to the full capabilities of her parents, she could definitely give anyone a run for their money if she was to get into a fight.

"Well I was helping him on the mission yesterday and my magic went crazy, I couldn't control it and I shocked him...he ended up passing out," Layla says before sobbing.

The downside of Layla having both powers was that she had difficulty controlling both of them, especially when she got emotional.

"Layla you didn't mean it..he knows that.." Yuri reasoned as he traced comforting circles in his sisters back.

"Y-yea but what if he hates me and doesn't want to talk to me," Layla says into his chest.

Yuri tisks quietly before tilting her head up so that she had to look at him. "Layla Celeste Dreyar, you listen to me and you listen to me well. As much as I hate saying it, that boy loves you. He'd do anything for you so I doubt that a little shock is going to change that. You're his best friend and he wouldn't let that end just because you're learning. Now if you need me to talk  to him I will, but you know how I am and I'll most definitely give him more than just a little shock to make him pay for your crying."

Layla giggled quietly, looking up at her big brother with a smile. "Don't you lay a finger on his pink head," Layla says before standing up slowly. "You really are the best right?" She asks quietly as she reaches out a hand for him.

"Yeah I know," He says with a smirk, definitely taking after his father's ego. Layla rolls her eyes with a smirk, before turning and leaving the room, intent on going to the guild to see Blayze.

"You know...I think we did pretty good.." Lucy whispers to her husband as she listened to their kids.

"Fucking Dragneel...kid likes my daughter...gonna beat his ass when I see him," Laxus mumbles under his breath.

Lucy laughs at her husband's protectiveness over their daughter, her smile widening at the thought of her son who would almost definitely grow up to be the same

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