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DAY 6-falling

DAY 7-father


"Come on Mavis, come to Daddy," Laxus urged his youngest daughter, making childish grabbing motions towards her.

Yesterday Mavis had surprised everyone in the guild by pulling herself up by using the hem of Mira's skirt and taking a few unstable steps. Mavis, being only 7 months old surprised both of her parents.

Laxus was now sitting on the floor, urging his daughter to take some steps in his extremely out of place baby voice. A few snickers echoed through the room before being stopped by a piercing glare from Lucy. Her husband rarely acted like this so when he did she was sure to encourage it.

Yuri and Layla sat beside their mother, watching their father try to lure in Mavis, though she only sat on the other end of the guild, sucking on her thumb as she looked at him with confusion.

"Mom, did Dad ever do that with us?" Layla asked curiously.

Lucy took a second to think. "Hmmm..well Yuri, you were always a momma's boy so you walked o me first and Layla...hmm..I actually think you walked to Yuri first," she ways with a smile as she watches her children blush, Yuri from being called a momma's boy and Layla for it being exposed how much she loved her brother.

"Luce look!" Natsu yells from across the room as he points to Mavis who was taking slow cautious steps towards her father. Mavis walked slowly towards Laxus, a wide smile plastered onto her face.

Mavis gurgles as she took more steps towards her father, only a good 5 steps away before she started to teeter back. Laxus quickly rushed forwards, grabbing Mavis and pulling her close before smiling and holding her in his arms, kissing her cheek in praise that drew a laugh from their daughter. He was always gonna be there to catch her before she fell.

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