Chapter 2: J and V

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I want Jughead and Veronica to bond, also no hate to Veronica she's a great character and I feel like she should know Jughead more since he's dating her best friend.

Jugheads P.O.V
Summer vacation was getting closer and closer and I was sitting with Betty, Archie and Veronica, we were discussing our summer plans.
"So I just got off the phone with my dad and he's being released soon so I am spending the summer in New York. I'll be leaving the last day of school"
"That's awesome V so you'll be gone the whole summer?"

"Yeah my mom is coming too" I don't know what it was but something in the pit my stomach began to turn
"Must be nice to leave riverdale so soon and go back to being the rich girl in New York with your family again"
"Jughead.." Archie started clearly looking pissed and his voice matched it Betty just looked shocked

"Well you guys go off have a fabulous summer while I stay here my by myself as usual left out of it" I stormed out before anyone could say anything

Veronica P.O.V
"Veronica I'm so sorry Jughead was being a ass I'll go talk to him" Archie said
"Yeah and so will I" Betty added I just smiled at my friends

"Thanks guys but this is something I need to do on my own Jughead was mad at me and I need to talk to him"
I stood up and left the student lounge walking down the halls looking for Jughead. I noticed that the door leading to the blue and gold office was open, I poked my head in seeing if he was there.

Inside was Jughead face down on one of the desks. I debated leaving before thinking screw it he's obviously upset and I walked quietly over to the desk and said in a whisper
"Jughead? Are you ok?"
I wanted to put my hand on his shoulder but respected the fact that he will rarely partake in physical affection unless it's with Betty or his dad.

He lifted his head up and looked at me, he didn't have to say anything his face said it all. He looked broken like he was bottling up everything that has happened to him and he just snapped one day. Even if he was a jerk to me I felt like I needed to apologize, he is going though a rough time with his family and me bringing up being with mine for the summer didn't help.
"Jughead I'm sorry I shouldn't have brought up New York I was just so excited I didn't think.."
"No I'm sorry you have every right to be excited about your plans I just got jealous and then something inside me just snapped"

I sat down next to him "Hey would you want to come with me? You me Betty and Archie we can all go this summer I'll show you guys the sights" he looked at me and smiled which was a first to me
"I would love to go as long as it's ok with your mom she and my dad don't have the best history"
"I'll work it out just come with us" I said then placed on of my hands on top of his, he looked surprised but didn't pull away

"Getting away from Riverdale for a while sounds like a dream come true" I smiled and pulled him in for a hug he just sat there awkwardly for a minute before reciprocating it. When we broke apart he said
"You know breakfast at Tiffnys is playing at the Bijou tomorrow and I know how much you love Audrey Hepburn..."
"Jughead Jones are you asking me to hang out with you?"
"Maybe I mean it doesn't have to just be us we can bring Betty and Archie too" I smiled
"No I want to get to know you better see what Betty and Archie see in you" he smirked
"Honestly I'm trying to figure that out too and spending time with you wouldn't be the worst thing in the world" I smiled
"I'll take that as a compliment this Friday?"
"Sounds great" then I wrapped my arm around him and we walked out of the halls together ready to start a beautiful and wonderful friendship.
"One of these days I'm gonna change your movie taste Lodge"
"I'd like to see you try"

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