Chapter 48: A surprise dance partner part 6

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Yes finally this is back also backwards life in which Veronica's parents are the ones who put pressure on their daughter apparently

Jugheads P.O.V
The showcase was fast approaching which meant longer and harder practices. At at the end of the final practice I collapsed to the floor exhausted.
"Veronica if I do one more step I think my legs are actually detach from my body."
"Ok" she sat down next to me
"You nervous about tomorrow?"
"More concerned on getting my heart to a normal rate right now" I said pressing my hand to my chest feeling my heart race.

I looked at Veronica who was fiddling with the laces of her shoes.
"Hey" she looked up at me
"We are gonna do great, we've been busting our asses for weeks now"
"What if it's not enough?" I looked at her confused
"Ok back up what is this really about? It's about more then a simple compensation isn't it?" She nodded
"I have to win this competition, if I don't my parents say that I'm working for them instead of living out my dream as a dancer. They don't believe that dancing can be a profession, I have to prove it to them there's gonna be scouts there and the winner will get picked up by them, if that's not me then I can say goodbye to my dream"
"Wow and I thought my parents were bad"

"Your parents? I've never herd you talk about them before, come to think of it i don't know much about you"
"Neither do I" I brought my head back and laughed
"We've been dancing with each other for weeks now for hours on end, you trust me to twirl you around but we don't know the first thing about each other."
"Well you brought up your parents that's a start" Veronica said reaching for her water bottle and taking a drink.

"Well my mom left when I was a kid, I don't talk to her that much see her even less, I have a younger sister I talk to her every night and my dad is recovering from being a alcoholic."
"Oh my god Jughead I.." Veronica started
"It's ok, I was basically raised by Archie's dad while my dad was off getting drunk. I think of Archie as my brother at this point." Veronica smiled
"That's why you hated me when we first met"
"I didn't hate you"
"So what was this?" She then gave a look of disapproval
"That's my natural face!" Veronica and I started laughing
"Not around Archie... or Betty" I stopped laughing
"I know you like her, and between you and me the feeling is mutual."

"Really?" I asked she nodded I bit my lip.
"Tell you what" I stood up
"Tomorrow we are going to dance our hearts out, crush it you are going to get noticed and continue to go to school here I'm gonna enroll and maybe even ask Betty out" Veronica stood up
"Really?" She said
"Positive we are gonna crush it tomorrow"
"No you idiot about enrolling"
"Yeah I thought about it and it's time for me to go back to school, I was starting to get bored" she gave me a hug
"And Betty?"
"If she'll have me I would take her out this weekend"

Veronica broke the hug and walked over to her bag, strung it up on her arm then walked back to me
"She's gonna say yes and you will go on a date, it will be adorable and mushy, then we are going to go on double dates and years from now at your wedding I'm gonna tell everyone about this moment, and Jughead"
"What is it?"

"Thank you, thank you for everything you've done I can't tell you how much this means to me"
"Hey we aren't done yet, we still have a competition to win" Veronica smiled and together we walked out the door ready for tomorrow.

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