Chapter 7: Comming back part 2

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I don't have enough knowledge about wedding dresses to describe one so use your imagination it's gonna be great anyway it's Veronica. Also god it's been a while since I've been to a wedding so sorry if I get it a little mixed up.
Jughead P.O.V
It's the day of the wedding and we are all getting dressed where the wedding is.
"Nervous?" I asked Archie
"No not at all, just as long as everything goes well and your not wearing your hat so that's one thing"
"Who said I wasn't allowed to wear my hat?"
"I haven't worn it in years though"
"Well Veronica was worried she was also convinced that a giant snake was gonna come though the ceremony"
"Well that ruins my plans"
"Sorry couldn't help it" I stopped talking to let Archie do up his tie

"Are you gonna be this nervous at your wedding?" Archie asked
"What?" I asked
"When you marry Betty it's gonna happen we all made beats, your dad made the biggest one"
"Oh my god please tell me your joking"
"Not even the slightest" I was torn between telling Archie about the ring that is hidden back at my hotel room or just keeping to myself.

"Jughead? Hey Jughead"
"I asked if you could go check on Veronica If she's calm then I'll be ok"
"No problem" I walked towards the door and placed my hand on the doorknob and as I was about to turn it I herd Archie say
"Don't let her see that Serpent tattoo, I noticed it while you were looking for your shirt"
"Wouldn't dream of it"
I opened the door and walked towards Veronica's room why they are going by the old "it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding" plan is beyond me, look at the town we are in there's bad luck all over the place.

I knocked on the door first just in cause
"Who is it?" Betty asked
"It's just me" I replied she opened the door revealing her maid of honour dress
"You look beautiful" I said breathless
"You clean up pretty good too" I went over to give her a kiss, my hands immediately went to her waist and I felt her hands go around my neck
"Hello? Guys your cute but I still need help doing up this dress" Veronica said interrupting us. We broke apart and I turned my attention to the bride
"Wow Veronica you look great" I wasn't lying her dress looked incredible although I wasn't expecting anything less and even her hair was done up.

"I must admit you do look dashing how's everything on your end?"
"Archie is doing great just wanting to see how your doing"
"Tell him I'm doing great just hopping everything goes well"
"He told me I told him I would cancel on my snake plan for you" I smiled but Veronica was clearly not in a joking mood
"Too soon?" I asked
"Yeah" Betty whispered to me
"I'll just go then" I left before Veronica could say anything else and made my way back to Archie. When I opened the door he was fully dressed looking in the mirror

"Veronica is doing good although she didn't appreciate my snake joke"
"Not everyone can appreciate your sense of humour Jug"
"True, anyway are you ready? Should be starting soon"
"Yeah I just never thought I would be here, when I was younger I never thought I would settle down with one girl, I always thought my song writing would keep me to busy"

"I get that never thought I would be with someone too, after too many people leaving me I just got used to it"
"Are we gonna be here later on expect your gonna be the one getting married?"
"Hopefully and it most definitely won't be in riverdale" I smiled just thinking about it. Then there was a knock on the door and Betty poked her head in
"It's time" we nodded and she closed the door Archie took a big breath and walked out with me behind him.

The ceremony went off without a hitch even watching them say their vows made me smile. Betty denied it but I swear I saw her wipe a tear away from her face during the vows. Then we all adjoined to the reception hall for the dinner and dancing, once food was mentioned I tried my absolute hardest not to make a beeline towards the buffet. Once everyone ate and mingled it was time for the best man speech. I got up anxiously and spoke

"Hi everyone Jughead Jones the best man obviously, me and Archie go way back and while we've had our moments and while he can be the most clueless person sometimes he's always had my back, he's been like a brother to me so Archie with that in mind I feel like it's my duty to embarrass you with this story.

So while Archie was trying to propose to Veronica he had a big plan he was gonna take her out to dinner, he was gonna come home and then there would be all kinds of nice flowers around and he was gonna get down on one knee and ask her then. But the plan changed when he got stuck working late and Veronica came home just to a bunch of flowers around and me sitting on the couch waiting for the signal to leave. Obviously she was very confused and I didn't want to ruin the surprise so I said I was preparing something for Betty. Veronica then leaves the place thinking ok I'll give them some privacy which was a nice idea if what I told her wasn't 100% false. So I called Archie explained everything then he apparently ran out of the studio ran down the street caught up to her, forgot his giant romantic speech and just asked her to marry him right then and there. But that's the kind of guy Archie is, he will always go out of his way and do something while other might find stupid Archie will think is the right thing to do. "

Everyone applauded and Archie smiled and I could see Veronica wiping a tear from her face. Betty gave a wonderful maid of honour speech about how she and Veronica never let anything separate their friendship and how they were lucky to find each other's soul mates so young and how she will always be the V to her B. (yes I listened) Archie and Veronica thanked us both for such wonderful speeches and the rest of the wedding went along equally well, everyone danced and even Veronica pulled me in for one dance. All in all for Riverdale things didn't go to bad
Part 3 where Jughead proposes? Or leave it there and you guys can think of it yourself

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