Part 1!

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"You idiot!" You yell as Kaneki spils coffee all over your clean jeans. You can't care less that they now have a coffee stain - you can wash it out. It was the fact that you now need to get up to make another cup of coffee which is really damaging your sanity.

"S-sorry, (y/n)," he stuttered like a freaking anime girl. You could imagined him right then and there with long, pink hair, giant eyes and pink cheeks.

"Jeez, I only called you an idiot! Don't go all timid on me like that!" You grumble to him as he started to annoy the living daylights out of you.

Kaneki looked up, slightly angry although he tried not to show it, "Who are you calling timid?!" You mentally laugh to yourself as he goes all protective over himself. Ahh, insecurity is a beautiful thing!

"Oh shut-up," you say, rising out of your chair to get yourself a cup of steaming coffee. Your legs are numb from sitting down for so long so you balance yourself by holding on to the back of the chair.

You don't know what had gotten into him. Since he had that transplant he hasn't been acting himself. He won't even eat your home-cooked bread! The most infuriating thing about that I'd that it costs half of your college fund - although you never went to college - just to pay the electric fund for the stove.

He's always being weary of you now, keeping his distance. You cut yourself on a knife while you were cooking the other day and you yelled for him to get me a plaster. He just ran off into his bedroom! It was so rude because you were bleeding out over 5 different tissues.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He says to you, his anger disappearing.

"You've been acting strange," you say slowly, turning back to the kettle, "and why have you bought so much coffee? You never used to like it." You stare at the pots of coffee.

"Uhh... my friend showed it to me," he says, obviously lying. Unlike most boys, he's not cute when he lies. He doesn't puff his cheeks out. He doesn't hesitate. He doesn't deliver the lie slowly. In theory, he should be great at lying. Spoiler alert: he's not.

"Your 'friend'?" You ask, curiously.

"You won't know her!" He spat, quickly. That is probably true, if you're fairly honest. You don't socialise. You don't even know the meaning of the word.

"It's a girl?" You say, "has Kaneki finally got himself a girlfriend?"


You smile. He can't hide stuff from you. Not even a box of chocolates. You are his sibling, after all.

Can You Keep A Secret? (Tokyo Ghoul x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now